“Truth be told,” I say, watching her every step. “As long as I get to call her mine at the end of the day, I’m good. You though, I don’t know if Chanel is going to afford you the same luxury.”

Logan clenches his jaw and is about to throw shade right back at me when a girl steps in front of me, her hands bracing against my chest and forcing me to stop. “Hey Tanner,” she says, looking up with big doe eyes as though she doesn’t already know I’m into Bri.

My face twists with the horrid reminder of how I used this girl to make Bri jealous, and my dick all but shrivels up inside me. I shove her hands off me and force her back a step. “What do you want, Jules?” I ask, glancing over her head to where Bri makes herself comfortable against Jax’s Silverado, her eyes narrowing on the back of Jules’ head.

She tries to move into me again as Logan continues up the hill to our spot, deciding I should deal with this shit on my own. “I thought you’d be down to hang out,” she purrs, reaching for my chest again. “You know, now that whore is out of the way and going down for what she did to your sister.”

I move closer to her, anger spiking deep in my gut. “The fuck did you say to me?”

Jules flinches, confusion spreading across her face. Her brows furrow and she nervously raises her chin to meet my stare. “I just thought maybe you’d need some company tonight. We can go out into the woods, and I’ll give you anything you want. I swear, after I’m through with you, that whore will be the last thing on your mind.”

“Brielle didn’t hurt my sister,” I growl, my tone lowering with venom. “And if you ever disrespect her again, I’ll tear you to shreds with my fucking teeth. Is that clear?”

Jules’ eyes bug out of her head, but I have no time for it, especially when Brielle is waiting for me. I move around her, and before I even get two steps away, Jules seems to have recovered. “Don’t you walk away from me, Tanner Morgan. That girl is trash,” she calls after me, her voice loud enough to travel up the hill to where Brielle is standing, leaving me no choice but to turn back around. “When will you get it? She’s not good enough for you. None of these bitches are. She’s a Hope Falls gold-digger just like her mom, and she has her claws so deep inside you that you can’t even tell your head from your ass. She’s dragging you down, and whether she gets charged for what happened to your sister or not, she’ll never be able to move past it. Everyone will always remember her as the chick who raped Addison, no matter what.”

I clench my jaw, my hands shaking with anger. “Are you done?” I question, trying to swallow down the rage. I promised Bri that I would work on myself, that I wouldn’t lose control like I did last week, and I’m sure as hell not about to fuck with that.

“Done?” Jules laughs. “Not even close. I won’t be done until you finally see that she’s not right for you. She’s a social climber, but she’ll never be what you need. Not like I am. You and I both know it. There’s a status-quo around here, and you need to stick to your own kind.” Jules pauses and takes a step toward me, her eyes softening with desire as she attempts to touch me again. “That night you asked me to come over. You wanted me. I saw it in your eyes. Just admit it. There’s no logical reason for you to be holding back from me. We’d be perfect together.”

A wave of blonde hair cuts in front of me, and before I get a chance to respond, Brielle’s shoving into Jules’ shoulders so hard the bitch goes flying back. Jules screams as my brows fly up, and not a second later, Jules falls to the ground, her ass landing hard with a heavy thump.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Brielle demands, hovering over Jules as she stares up at her in shock. A roar of laughter comes from the top of the hill, Jax and Riley’s tones the loudest of them all, but Bri doesn’t seem to notice. “No means no. If this were the other way around and you weren’t such a thirsty hoe for my boyfriend, you’d be the first to claim he was sexually harassing you. Read the fucking room, whorebag. He’s not interested.”

Brielle spins around, her cheeks red with frustration as she grips my hand and storms away. I laugh and her sharp gaze snaps up to mine. “What?” she spits.