Orlando glares, rage burning in his eyes. “You don’t want to play with fire, little girl. You’ve got far more to lose than I ever could.”

His gaze flicks over my shoulder to Tanner and my back stiffens. I’m fine with him coming for me, but Tanner and his family have already suffered through enough. If Orlando wants to play, then we’ll play, but the people I love are off limits.

“Brielle,” my mother’s shrill panic tears through the tension. Her eyes are wide as she glances around us, making sure none of her guests are aware of the bullshit going on here. “What the hell has gotten into you? This is my wedding day. If you cannot be pleasant, then you will be asked to leave.”

I suck in a faux-horrified gasp. “And leave you with the embarrassment of an empty table?” I say, watching as her expression shifts from horror to threatening before deciding that enough is enough. “On second thought, that’s exactly what we’re going to do. I hope you enjoy the rest of your night, Mom, but one of us needs to have at least a shred of self respect, so I’m out.”

As if on cue, every last person at the table stands, and the relief on Addison’s face is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I owe her for making the trip out here. It couldn’t have been easy to sit through that, but with Hudson at her side, she almost seems invincible.

Mom gasps as every last person from my table strides past her, and it’s sad because her horror comes from the thought of an empty table rather than her daughter walking out … and I suppose that means her son as well. Though to be fair, it’s late. We made it through dinner and dessert, had a bunch of free drinks, and even danced a while. Most people will probably start to leave soon anyway. Call us the trendsetters for the night. Hell, everyone else is probably just waiting for someone else to leave so they don’t have to be the first.

Without even a backward glance, our whole group moves out through the side exit, and I can’t help but notice how Tanner’s other hand is curled securely around the neck of the tequila bottle while everyone else still holds their glasses. “Am I the only one who didn’t think to bring my drink?” I ask, more than frustrated with myself.

Tanner laughs and throws his arm over my shoulder. “You don’t think I brought this tequila for me, do you? I figured you’d need it after that bullshit with Channing.”

I groan and press my body closer to his. “Can you believe that asshole? Like who does he think he is talking to me like that? I’m his stepdaughter for fuck’s sake. His wedding to my mom isn’t even over, and he’s already searching for his next piece of ass.”

“Don’t worry about him,” Tanner tells me. “He’ll be dead before he even thinks about coming for you. Besides, I don’t like to share, especially with assholes like that.”

I nod, a heaviness seeping into my chest. “Tanner …” I say slowly, worrying my bottom lip, trying to figure out how to broach the topic. “Are you alright? You’ve been off ever since getting out of police custody, and I can’t help but think it has something to do with him. You’d tell me if you were in trouble, right?”

Tanner swallows and gives me an encouraging smile before pressing a kiss to my temple. “It’s all good, babe,” he says. “Channing came to have a talk while I was in lock-up. He said things, I said things. It wasn’t pretty, but it’s nothing you need to worry about. I’m fine.”

“You sure?”

He nods as a wicked grin stretches across his face. “He’s just salty about his face,” he says. “But I get it. I can only imagine taking a hit like that would be embarrassing. Personally, I wouldn’t know. No one’s been able to land a punch like that on me.”

Riley snorts a laugh from behind us. “Buuuuuuuullshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit,” he sings. “Maybe you’ve had a few too many drinks and it’s fucking with your memory. I can recall at least ten times I laid you out.”

Tanner spins, walking backward to take in Riley behind us. “Oh sure,” Tanner scoffs. “Assuming your idea of a good punch is nothing but a little love tap. I’ve seen grannies at Walmart throw down better than you.”

Riley tips his chin up, his eyes narrowing on Tanner as we hijack the venue’s courtesy bus. “Is that a challenge, bro?” he questions. “Don’t tease me. If you’re throwing it down, you better be ready for me to pick it right back up. I’ll knock your ass out cold. Just say the word.”

“You’re on, motherfucker,” Tanner says. “Let’s settle this. Here and now. I’m down.”