The wedding drones on and I have to keep shifting myself from one foot to the other as my feet begin to fall asleep. Would it be rude to ask Mom how much longer? I mean, she’s so wrapped up in her fancy ceremony that she might just respond on autopilot, not even noticing what it is I’m really asking.

Nah, too risky.

After what feels like a millennium, the priest announces that Orlando may kiss his bride, and the gathered crowd cheers as Mom leans in to receive nothing more than a quick peck on the lips. My brow arches and I do what I can to wipe the look off my face. If my man kisses me like that on my wedding day, I’m castrating him right then and there. I want to be wooed. I want him to kiss me as though he’s been waiting his whole life for that one special moment. I want our priest to clear his throat because our kiss is so steamy that it’s inappropriate for a church wedding. But most of all, I want that man to be Tanner.

I know we’re only eighteen and the reality of us getting married is so far away in our future, but when it comes to him, I’m certain. He is where my life is going, and despite only knowing each other for a few short months, I’ve never been so sure of something.

Mom and Orlando go to sign the wedding certificate and I stand by the signing table with Jensen, both of us watching and listening to what we have to do while the congregation falls into murmured chatter. “So, it’s official,” Jensen says. “You’re my stepsister.”

Rolling my eyes, I smirk up at the guy. “It was official the second they got hitched in Paris, you idiot.”

His brows furrow, thinking it over before grinning wider. “Oh yeah. I think I knew that,” he says, grinning back at me. “I suppose this means I officially have to be nice to you.”

My eyes widen in horror. “No,” I say. “Please don’t. It’s already weird enough. I’d prefer if you just keep going about your days pretending I don’t exist. But like, don’t be a complete ass. If you’re making food, make some for me.”

Jensen scoffs, making it known exactly what he thinks of that plan, but before he gets a chance to shut me down, I’m asked to sign as a witness to this sham, and being the ever pleasant daughter I am, I do exactly what’s asked of me. Jensen moves in next, and after an excruciating few minutes, we’re all back where we started at the top of the aisle.

The guests quieten and then finally, the priest announces that the ceremony is over.

Mom squeals with delight and throws her arms around me, crushing me to her body. “Oh, wasn’t that just spectacular?”

My heart races and I’m struck with an intense wave of emotion as I hold my mother close, soaking in every moment of her affection. She used to hug me like this every single day, but I don’t think she’s even touched me since the day we moved to Bradford. Except for, you know, the slapping incident.

She pulls away from me as Damien steps into our side and she quickly falls into his arms as Orlando shakes the hands of the people sitting in the front row of his side. Tanner gets up to join me, and I can’t help but notice how Jensen hangs back, not comfortable with such a social setting.

Tanner’s arm curls around my waist as he pulls me in close. “You okay?” he questions.

I lift my gaze to him and his thumb swipes across my face, wiping a tear off my cheek, a tear I hadn’t even realized had fallen. “Yeah,” I murmur. “It was just nice having her all to myself again, if only for a few seconds.”

He drops his lips to mine in a gentle, lingering kiss. “I know.”

Having embraced her two children, Mom shuffles over to Orlando, and just like that, they make the traditional walk back up the aisle. We follow behind and row by row, the wedding guests file out behind us until we’re standing out in the afternoon sunshine.

Mom immediately pulls me back into her arms and once again, I soak it up like a child starved of affection. “You were great,” she boasts, pure happiness in her tone, but it’s almost impossible to tell if that happiness comes from the love she feels for her new husband or the fact that she just got to experience the wedding of her dreams. “Thank you. I couldn’t have done this all without you, my love.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I murmur, struggling to keep hold of my emotions. “But it was all you.”

She squeezes just a little harder before being dragged away by the crowd, leaving Tanner and me with Jensen and Damien, the four of us more than ready to get the hell out of here.