Addison releases me and gives me an innocent smile. “Glad to see you’ve come to your senses. Now fuck off out of here before that putrid tang seeps into the walls.”

Rubbing my man-titties, I stride out of Addison’s bedroom and make my way toward mine, feeling better about the situation. The past forty-eight hours have seriously fucked with my head, but seeing her laugh goes a long way in healing something inside of me. Colby might have hurt her, but he didn’t take away her fire, and as long as that still burns, Addie is going to be alright.

Walking into my room, I come to a dead stop in the doorway, shaking my head as my lips pull into a stupid smile.

That fucking pocket rocket.

There are dicks drawn across the walls from one end of my room to the other. I never knew my girl was such a fucking artist. Hairy ones, smooth ones, large, and small. Cut, uncut, veiny, thick, and pierced. Some are dripping, some are spurting, and some even have Brielle’s name tattooed across their shaft. Though, it doesn’t take a genius to see that she’s only written her name across the big veiny ones that look like they’ll destroy anything in their path.

I shake my head, taking it all in but then right in the center, above my headboard, is her perfect handwriting, telling me exactly what she’s been feeling since Monday afternoon.




Chapter 28


Trudging through the house, I throw my bag down on the bottom step before making my way up. Today has been shit. Hell, the whole week has been shit. Tanner has been gone, locked in a forty-eight-hour police hold, and I’ve hated being away from him. Not going to lie, the idiot deserved it. He lost his cool and decided to beat the shit out of Colby in front of nearly every policeman in Bradford. He was all but asking them to arrest him.

Had it been me? I would have waited until I could get Colby alone in a back alley or knock him out cold so I could take him somewhere a little more private to take my time with him. Perhaps the desert where no one could hear him scream. Tanner though, he popped the lid right off his emotions and let them run rampant, but in that courthouse, I promised I’d stand by his side no matter what, and nothing is going to change that.

I’ve had the worst kind of anxiety, hating that anything could be happening to him in that cell. Was he being fed? Did he sleep? Were the monsters inside his head giving him even a shred of peace? What happened in that courtroom was complete bullshit and, though it’s been a few days, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.

Addison hasn’t left her room, and from what I was able to get out of Tanner’s mom, she’s terrified of what could happen now. I don’t blame her. Colby is unhinged. The way he rammed my car off the road and then pulled the tubes from Addison’s throat in the hospital … fuck. I don’t envy her. She has a battle coming her way, but with Tanner at her back, she can do anything she puts her mind to. I don’t doubt that Colby Jacobs is going down, we’re just going to have to get creative to make it happen.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I start making my way to my room, desperate to get a good look out my window. I haven’t heard from Tanner yet, so I can only assume he’s still locked up, but that’s not going to stop me from checking his room anyway. It’s well past the forty-eight-hour holding limit, so he should be home, or if not, at least on his way. I have no idea how these things actually work, but I could have sworn I heard Logan and Jax saying something about Riley skipping out on class to go and pick him up. Either way, when he gets home and sees his room, he’s going to know that I’ve been thinking of him.

The thought of the million eyeliner dicks on his wall sends a filthy grin across my face. Hell, I even feel a little bad about the clean-up it’s going to require, and just to be an awesome girlfriend, I’ll even think about scrubbing his walls clean for him. Who am I kidding? The asshole will have me on my knees, scrubbing the walls before I even realize what’s happening. Though, he’ll be sure to reward me afterward.

A thrill shoots through me as I reach my door and turn the handle. I shove my shoulder into it, barging my way through my room, only to come up short, finding someone sprawled across my bed. “Where the fuck have you been, you little turd sniffer?” my brother says, his eyes shifting to me only moments before they bug out of his head and a burst of howling laughter follows. “Holy shit! Check out your uniform. You’re one of them now.”