“Hunter,” the guy replies, eyeing me thoughtfully. “You’re pretty cool, Frankie.”

I roll my eyes, hoping I come off as less self-conscious than I feel. “Yeah, right. Do I look like I belong at a place like this?”

Hunter shrugs.

“Sure, why not? You’re young, you’re cute…” His eyes sweep over my figure appreciatively, like he’s sizing me up. His eyes meet mine for a moment as he gives me another smirk. He doesn’t seem the least bit bothered by the fact that he’s standing naked in the middle of somebody else’s kitchen, and I have to hand it to Hunter. He’s playing it cooler than I ever would have thought possible. “What’s not to like?” he asks, and there’s a headiness in his voice that makes my insides turn to mush. “So what do you do, Frankie?”

“I’m a student,” I reply, scratching my arm. “I’m at Berkeley for history – just finished my junior year. What about you?”

“I’m a business owner,” Hunter replies, not seeming to be aware of the effect that his voice, eyes, and body are all having on me.

“Yeah?” I raise my eyebrows, feeling just curious enough to test the waters. “What kind of business?”

He grins.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

I stammer for a moment, fumbling for a response, but then he laughs.

“I’m kidding. I own an online retail outfit – designer women’s shoes, believe it or not.”

“Wow,” I remark. “Are you from Granite Heights?”

“Originally,” he replies. When he sees my look of confusion, he elaborates. “Not since I was a kid though. I live in New York City now, and I’m back in town to visit my dad.”

“You don’t have to take time off for that?” I ask. Surprise must be written on my face because he laughs and shakes his head.

“That’s the great part about owning your own business – you can work from anywhere.” He stretches, looking around the room with an expression of casually vague interest. I watch in wonder as his lean muscles flex when he extends his arms behind his back. “Location doesn’t bother me too much, to be honest,” he continues. “Whether it’s a villa in the countryside, my penthouse back in NYC, or my dad’s place… As long as I can do what I need to for work, it’s all good.”

“Yeah,” I agree, feeling awestruck. “It’s all good.”

Oh my god, I think. A businessman who goes to sex parties in his free time? This is like, some honest-to-god Fifty Shades of Grey shit. And as much as I might have wanted to leave when I saw what was first going on at this party, I’m finding myself lost in Hunter’s features, his sapphire eyes, the way he holds himself, and that teasing grin he keeps giving me. Hunter seems to pick up on my nervousness. It’s like he has me paralyzed with his blue gaze, making me forget everything going around outside of this conversation.

“So,” he says, taking a step closer to me, “what are you looking for here?”

“I…” My voice cracks. I’m very aware of how close he is to me now, and of the heat radiating off his body. I’ve never been this close to a guy this hot – let alone a naked one – in my entire life. “I’m just back here for the summer,” I respond, feeling sheepish. “I didn’t want to stay in California after finals, so I figured I would-”

“Come on, Frankie,” Hunter says, the corner of his mouth twitch a little. “What are you looking for here? At this party?”

I stare up at him, feeling like a deer in the headlights. What am I supposed to say? My friend? A drink?


I find myself at a loss for words. This guy has cast a spell over me, making me feel things I didn’t even think I was capable of feeling. How is this possible, all from a single conversation? Hunter moves closer to me, reaching up with a calloused hand to brush a strand of hair out of my eyes.

“I don’t know,” I reply, my voice barely above a whisper. “I don’t know what I’m doing here.”

“Hm,” he says, his eyes hooded with desire, and then, before I even know what’s happening, he’s leaning in, the tip of his nose brushing against mine. The sounds of the music seems to fade into the background, along with the muted conversation and sex noises coming from the other room, and all I’m aware of is my heart hammering in my ears as Hunter’s hand lingers on my cheek. “I can think of a few things you could do,” he murmurs, his voice unbelievably smooth, and then he’s letting his lips brush against mine.

For a moment I stand there frozen in place, at a loss for what to do as I feel Hunter’s lips press down more firmly. This hasn’t happened since a drunk Arnold Anderson kissed me at a school dance, and that had been sloppy and unpleasant. This, on the other hand, is soft, tender, and passionate, making me go weak in the knees as I bring a tentative hand up to his bare shoulder, caressing his bronzed skin wonderingly.