Then I pull her into my arms and enjoy the feeling of her being in my arms. She melts into me, and the thought of pushing my luck and climbing into the shower with her crosses my mind, but I won't screw this up. Slow and steady.

"I don't have much for food. Though I have some frozen pizzas, or I can call for takeout." I say, reluctantly pulling away from her.

"Pizza actually sounds good."

"Okay, take a shower, and I’ll get it going."

Back in the kitchen, I get the pizzas baking and then start looking up moving companies. I want her in here as soon as possible. No chance for her to change her mind.

When she walks out of the bedroom with her hair wet and wearing nothing but one of my oversized shirts, I'm instantly hard.

"You have never looked more beautiful." Her cheeks turn red with my words.

Taking a seat at the kitchen island, she watches me as I pull out plates and cups for us to use.

"I found a company that can move your stuff the day after tomorrow. They do all the packing and everything. Just let me know what furniture I need to make room for."

She shakes her head.

"You don't do anything slowly, do you?"

"Well, I do one thing slow when asked." I slide my hand up her thigh and find she is wearing nothing but a pair of panties under the shirt. My groan is involuntary.

Pure torture.


West wasn't joking about moving me in as soon as possible. By the time I got to call Kinsley to give her an update, I was moved in, and she demanded to come over. Then she spent the day helping me unpack, interrogating me, and demanding answers more effectively than any cop could ever do.

Then she sent West across town to get food so she could talk about sex. Even though Kinsley is my friend, and I share just about everything with her, there were a few things I kept to myself.

By the end of the day, she gave the move her blessing with some direct threats to West's manhood if he screwed up again.

Today, we’re getting ready for my brother and Mandy to visit. I’m fully unpacked, but we haven't told them I moved in with West. When we had my parents over three nights ago, we asked them not to tell him either. They agreed so long as we do it tonight.

I'm making my brother's favorite blueberry cheesecake, and West is grilling steaks for dinner.

When strong arms wrap around me from behind, I realize how much I've zoned out.

As West nuzzles my neck, he whispers. "Everything is going to be fine. You’ll see. And if he doesn't approve, screw him. Because you’re here, you are mine, and I pick you. I’ll always pick you."

Though we haven't had sex since I moved in, West has been loving and affectionate. While he can't keep his hands off me, and he cuddles with me every chance get gets. Oh, he’ll give me multiple orgasms, but won't let me touch him.

"You know,” I say, turning and running my hand over his cock, “we have time to have some fun.”

"You want to cum, baby girl?" West kisses my neck.

"Always, but you need to cum more."

"Don't worry about me, let me focus on you."

I slap his chest, not hard, but enough to get his attention.

"Of course, I worry about you. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't? Please tell me why you won't take this any further. Is it because you are still waiting on Nate's approval of me living here?"

"Fuck no. Please tell me that's not what you have been thinking."

"Of course, that's what I have been thinking! You won't tell me why you just distract me with your amazingly talented tongue."