
What a freakin’ mess. I hate leaving California and West behind, but I knew it was the right thing to do. I got to Denver where my layover was, and one thing after a freakin’ another happened.

First, the flight was delayed by forty-five minutes due to the weather. That was fine. I went and got something to eat and a coffee. Then the plane we were supposed to fly on had some issues, so we had to wait for a new plane.

We’re still thirty minutes away from boarding, so I call Kinsley and fill her in on the wedding. By the time I got to the airport last night, it was after midnight her time, and I didn’t want to bother her.

"Wow. But he came back, so maybe don't write it off completely?" she says.

"I was supposed to be in bed by now, so I could think about all this."

"You would have been better off taking your original flight."

"With West. No, that wasn't an option. I couldn't sit next to him for hours. It was hard enough walking down the aisle and dancing with him."

No sooner do I get off the phone than they announce the flight has been delayed a third time to allow the flight crew to ready the plane. Everyone in the waiting area groans, and many let out a few curses.

Thankfully, that’s the last delay, and before I know it, I'm in the air watching Chicago come into view. I don't remember the last time I've been so tired and emotionally drained. I feel like crying and screaming all at once, and I swear if one more thing goes wrong before I get home, I might punch someone in the face.

When we land, I don't think a plane has ever cleared out so quickly. We were all just done with this flight and the delays. I know it wasn't the flight crew's fault, but the cheery flight attendant saying goodbye to everyone was on the receiving end of many death stares.

Now, off to get my bags and go home. Only as I enter the area where family waits for those getting off the plane, there stands West, looking like he hasn't gotten any sleep either.

Great. So much for crawling into bed. Now I have to deal with him.

"What are you doing here?" I don't even bother to hide my irritation.

"I got in and then realized your flight had been delayed, so I waited," he says as he reaches out to take my carry-on from me.

I let him because this isn't a fight I have the energy for.

"Let me get you home so you can sleep. You look like hell," he says.

"Gee, thanks, the words every girl longs to hear." I roll my eyes and head off to get my bags.

I know he has to be as tired as I am, but he still takes care of me, grabbing my bags and getting us to his car.

"How is your car here?" I ask.

"After I saw your flight was delayed, I had a buddy drop it off this morning." He shrugs like it's no big deal, but it is a big deal. Though I see his bags are already here, so he's been here for a while.

When I get in the car, he makes sure my seatbelt is buckled before fighting airport traffic.

It's all too familiar being in a car with him.

"When was the last time you ate?" he asks.

"I have no damn clue. Denver, I think. Somewhere between the first and second delay."

He stops at a fast food place and grabs breakfast for both of us.

"Eat," he orders.

"I don't want to eat in your car."

While I don't know much about cars, this one looks expensive, and it's kept immaculate. There isn’t a speck of dust or dirt, nothing out of place.

"I don't care about the car. I care about you, now eat, baby girl." His tone is stern but soft, and when my stomach grumbles, giving me away. I finally devour my breakfast sandwich and hash browns.

"Thank you," I tell him and make sure to clean up as much of the crumbs as I can.

Now that my belly is full and I'm at a place I feel safe, I’ve hit a wall. My eyes get heavy, and West must notice I'm fighting to keep them open.

"It's okay, get some sleep. I’ll take care of you." He rests his hand on my arm.

Despite everything that has happened, I still feel safe with him because I know he will take care of me, if for no other reason than because I'm Nate's little sister.

Even as I close my eyes, my brain is at war with my heart, telling it that isn't the only reason he's taking of me.

What's that famous saying? 'I'll worry about it tomorrow.'