"Not. A. Word." She says, and the moment we’re back at the winery she disappears.

I'm so fucked.


The second the wedding was over, I took the coward’s way out and ran and hid in a storage closet. Being so close to West like that was hell on my nerves, and my body didn't care that we were mad at him. It still wanted him desperately.

The more he talked, the more I felt my resistance give way, and I couldn't break down during the wedding, so the best thing was for him not to talk. Now I still have the pictures and the reception to get through, but I can do this.

As Kinsley always coaches me, I try to calm my breathing and recenter myself. Finally, my heartbeat slows and I start to feel calmer. My bags are packed and ready to go, and my outfit is lying on my bed. The second this reception is over, I'm out of here. When I get home, I’ll have some space from West. And hopefully, get some clarity.

That's what I need, space to think without running into him around every corner.

A few more deep breaths and I head out to stand for photos. Thankfully, many of the photos are guys on one side and girls on the other, which means West is always at least two people away from me in each pose.

Then the photographer suggests a couples photo. I look at Mandy, pleading for her to say no, but she gives me a sad smile as if to say I'm sorry and agrees. West wastes no time and steps up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, pressing his chest to my back as the photographer instructs.

He sighs in relief and places a kiss on the top of my head. Stupid me actually feels safe in his arms and likes being here. Between photos, he leans down and whispers in my ear.

"I know you don't want to be here taking these pictures with me, but having you in my arms is the highlight of my day, baby girl, even if you are mad at me. We might fight, but I'm not walking away. I'm going to fight for you, for us."

It's too much, and I don't care what photos Mandy has planned. I break free from his arms and run back inside, back to the storage closet and take some deep breaths. When I'm calm again, I go out to the reception and play the game of avoiding Nate and West while not getting so drunk that they won't let me on my flight.

I do well until it's time to sit down and eat, and West is at the same table as me. We’re set to sit next to each other, but I move the place cards around and sit across from him. He doesn't take his eyes off me the entire dinner. With his gaze on me, I feel his eyes burning my skin.

For the rest of the dinner, I manage only to look his way twice when the groomsmen next to him were asking me questions.

Once dinner is over, the dancing starts. After Nate and Mandy's first dance, I have to take my turn with West.

As he pulls me in his arms, I try to keep as much space between us as possible.

"You know I almost asked you to prom? But Nate set me up with Cindy," he says.

"Well, he wouldn't have let you take me anyway, and you would have done as he said," I throw back.

"I hate that our first dance is like this. I want to pull you close, kiss you in front of everyone, and see that smile I miss so much."

Without answering him, I look off to the side. He sighs but doesn't push it, thankfully.

The song ends, and he lets me go only for the brother and sister dance to be announced. I curse under my breath, causing West to chuckle.

"Give him hell, baby girl." He leaves me on the dance floor as Nate joins me.

"This was Mandy's idea," he says.


If I thought dancing with West was awkward, that was ballroom-worthy compared to dancing with Nate. Neither of us says anything for the first part of the song.

"I do want you to be happy." He finally says.

"Funny way of showing it."

"Why West?"

"Why Mandy?"

His eyes meet mine, and after a moment, he nods.