I tuck my phone away and take one last look out over the vineyard before I turn to go back to my room. Only that is when I spot West watching me from a little further up the path. Our eyes lock, and those stupid feelings are still there.

Be strong, I remind myself. My heart says that's no problem with how much it's hurting. As he walks closer, I debate running the other way, but it's dark, and I don't know where I'd go.

Once West is in front of me, he falls to his knees and takes my hands in his.

"It's always been you. I love you and have for a long time now."

My heart starts to heal, and I almost give in. But then he says one more thing.

“Now I have your brother's permission."

There it is, the bucket of cold water. He isn't doing this because he can't live without me. He isn't doing this because he chose me and said consequences be damned. He's doing it because he got my brother's permission. Permission he only got because he got called out in front of everyone, and Mom probably made him do it.

The tears start, and I don't even bother to stop them or wipe them away.

"Do you understand how much it hurts to be cast aside because of someone else's opinion? Especially after everything we said and did?" I pull my hands from his.

"For once, I want to be someone's first choice. The choice they make because nothing else matters. I’m done. Now put on a smile, and let's get them married. I just want to go home."

With that, I walk past him and right to my room without even looking back.

By the time I get to my room, I've gotten the tears to stop, and thankfully I didn't run into anyone on the way. Only my luck is short-lived when I open the door and find Mandy sitting in the middle of the bed waiting on me.

"Do I even want to know how you got in here?"

She shrugs, "Your brother made a mess of it. I told him to use his money and get me in here. And he did. I also made him pay for two of the most expensive bottles of wine, and we’re going to drink them and go over all the ways he's an idiot."

"I'm sure this isn't how you planned the night before your wedding," I grumble and take my shoes off.

"Spending it with the girl who will officially be my sister tomorrow when she needs me is exactly what I want to do. Spending your brother's money is a bonus."

"I'm sorry for all this." I sigh and sit down next to her.

She hugs me tight, "It keeps things fun, and it will be something I can hold over his head forever. Oh, I can’t go to Hawaii? Remember when you almost ruined our wedding... He will never live it down. This is it great!" she laughs.

"Now go change while I open the first bottle." She shoos me off the bed. I change into my comfy sweatpants and one of West's t-shirts I stole from him. The cat's out of the bag, so no point in hiding it.

Before heading out of the bathroom, I make a call and move my plane ticket up to the red-eye tomorrow night so I can leave right after the wedding instead of the next day. I know West will be on the plane with me if I don't and I can't be trapped a mile in the air for several hours with him right now.

When I come back out, Mandy hands me a bottle of wine. Then I tell her everything from the walk I took, to my talk with my dad, and West finding me, and then finally, me walking away.

"I don't blame you one bit. I want to be someone's first choice, too," she says.

We finish off one bottle of wine before she turns to me.

"Do you want to be alone right now?" she asks.

"Not really."

"Good, let's open this second bottle and rent a movie. Want me to call down and see if they have ice cream?"

"Can I trade Nate for you? I'd rather have you for a sister them him for brother right now."

She hugs me. "I am your sister always. Even after I get married, if your brother is being an idiot like we all know he can be, you can come to me, and we can vent and just be. I'm always going to be here for you."

"I better call Kinsley and fill her in." I sigh, realizing it's after midnight back in Chicago.

"Call her. I‘ll order ice cream and find a rom-com for us to watch when you’re done."