"Of course, I’ll fill in. Let's get you married!" I say because really there is no way you can say no in a situation like this, even though I basically just signed away any free time I had left.

"Okay, so let's give you the grand tour," Mandy says.

She shows me the grounds where the wedding will be held, outside, including the cute little bridges she will be crossing as she walks down the aisle. The arch is being set up, and the backdrop of the grapevines and the mountains are picture perfect. She timed it perfectly as the leaves are starting to change colors and will make for some killer wedding photos.

We then head back inside, and she shows me the reception room, the bar, the restaurant, and where we will be getting ready downstairs before we go up to our rooms in our wing.

"So tonight will be kind of low-key. We are going to a wine bar in town, doing dinner, drinking wine, dancing, singing some karaoke. Just want to have fun. Nate hired a car for us so we can drink as much as we want. Sasha left you with all her bachelorette party stuff. We put it all in your room along with all her wedding stuff."

Sasha is the maid of honor who broke her leg. I hope my smile doesn’t look forced as we go to my room, and sure enough, my bags are already there, courtesy of West. I just wish he was here with them.

"We’ll let you get ready. In an hour, we’re meeting the car down where we met you. Look hot!" Mandy says, and everyone goes their own way. I step into my room and take a deep breath. I know West is getting ready for the bachelor party, and I just hope it's not a strip club, but I don't want to sound like the insecure girlfriend either.

Taking some time, I go through the stuff from Sasha, and thankfully she was super organized. All the bachelorette party stuff seems to be in one bag, so I set it on the bed, and then get ready.

Putting on some music, I dress in the strapless formfitting gold dress I picked out for tonight. This was a pre-West dress choice, and I love that it has a mesh over the dress and has a ton of gold glitter, making it perfect for a bachelorette party. It has enough push=up to make my boobs look great too.

After I put some curls in my hair and do my makeup, I start second-guessing the dress. I was single when I packed it and had planned to be single when I wore it.

Quickly I take the photo of me already dressed and decide to send it to West.

Me:My dress was a pre-you choice. Don’t be mad.

West:Fuck, you look hot. Why don’t you wear that on one of our dates?

Me:Because it's not what I usually wear. It’s way over the top.

West:And sexy as hell. Every guy will be looking at you tonight.

Me:Well, I won't be looking at them.

West:What are the bachelorette party plans?

I know he's trying to make sure we’re going someplace decent. But I also give myself the perfect in to find out their plans too.

Me:Dinner and a wine bar. What about you?

When his response doesn't come, I start to wonder if my suspicion of them hitting a strip club is true.


Nate has been glued to my side since we got here, and it's made it hard to even text Rory without raising suspicion.

When I finally get a moment to check her text, I feel relief that they aren't going somewhere crazy for the bachelorette party. Because that dress screams 'fuck me,' and that’s exactly what I want to do to her tonight in that dress.

Me:We are going to some local pool hall, a bar downtown.

Even as I get ready and meet the rest of the guys downstairs, I’m still checking my phone for a text from Rory, only to find nothing. Once in the car, I decide to text her again, but first, I change her name on my phone, just in case, to My Girl.

Me:Remember, you're mine, baby girl. No other guy touches.

My Girl:So long as you remember you're mine and no other girl touches you.

Me:Damn right I am, and I promise no one will touch me.

My Girl:No one will touch me either.

"Get your nose out of the phone!" Nate says, pulling my attention away. "What’s so important?"