Chapter 6


Ididn'twantto leave the condo yesterday but West suggested we head into Flagstaff last night and get a room for a couple of nights in order to see the Grand Canyon while we’re there, and I agreed. Really any extra time with him and I'm on board.

We stopped at Petrified Forest National Park, the iconic Wigwam Motel in Holbrook, Arizona, and took our picture 'Standin' on a Corner in Winslow Arizona' while we badly sang The Eagles song. Then we made a slight detour to a meteor crater site just off Route 66 before driving into Flagstaff last night.

Things have changed between us, and I’m loving every minute of us. Last night he still took me to dinner, but when we got home, he made love to me again and then held me all night.

Today we’re heading to the Grand Canyon. Even though Flagstaff boasts you can stay there and visit the Grand Canyon, it's still an almost two-hour drive one way. But we’re on a road trip, so we’re used to this.

My new favorite way to sit while West drives is to turn in my seat and put my back to my door and my feet in his lap. He’ll keep one hand on me at all times, rubbing my feet, or up my leg driving me crazy. I can feel how hard he gets, so I know it excites him, too. Every so often, he’ll look over at me with a big smile lighting up his face, making both my heart happy and my pulse race.

It's definitely a more interesting road tripping with him than alone, and someday I’ll thank my brother for this. Well, after he cools off, of course.

Once at the Grand Canyon, we decided to do the Skywalk that juts out over the edge of the canyon. It’s made of glass so you can see the chasm below you and it is supposed to have great views.

"You sure you’re up for this baby girl? I know you aren't a fan of heights…"

"I'm not, but this is one instance where I need to face my fear. I'm not missing out on this, plus I have you." I grab onto his arm.

"I won't let anything happen to you. You can count on that."

"Knowing that makes it a little easier to do."

Looking at pictures on the way here, I thought it would be easy to do, no problem. But now that I'm here and see how high up we are and how far this skywalk circles out, my nerves are in high gear.

"We can turn around any time, just say the word," West says, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"No way. We’re taking a photo right there in the middle to send to Nate, so he leaves us both alone for a few days."

West is patient with me, even as I'm sure we get passed by a snail on our way out to the center. He never once complains or tries to rush me. Mostly, he offers support and tries to distract me.

When we reach the center, I just keep telling myself not to look down.

"Ok, let's snap this photo and then get back to solid ground," I say, and West pulls out his phone and stands next to me, getting a great shot of the canyon behind me. Then we turn and make sure to get the skywalk behind us.

"Now I want a photo for us," he stands behind me, pulling me close and wrapping an arm around my waist. My nerves ease slightly and when he kisses my neck, I almost forget where we are. We snap a few pictures, including one of us kissing before we leave the skywalk.

It goes without saying I moved much faster to get off the death trap than I did to get on it. When we get back to the car, West pulls me into his arms.

"I am so proud of you! You did great out there." Then leans down to kiss me.

"It took me, what an hour, to even make my way out there," I say, pulling back.

"No, only forty-five minutes. You did amazing. Now, do we want to spend more time here, or go down to Sedona and have dinner there?"

"Let's do Sedona, but first, let's send the photo to Nate."

We get in the car, and West first sends all the photos to me, then sends the first two to Nate. Who as expected, calls minutes later after receiving them."

"Hey man, you're on speakerphone. We are just leaving the Grand Canyon."

In reality, we’re still sitting in the parking lot holding hands because we knew he'd call.

"Shit. I can’t believe you got Rory out there on the ledge like that!" Nate says.

"Hello, I'm right here." I roll my eyes.