Three Months Later

I never thought I'd see a day when Rock Springs had a helicopter pad. When it was unveiled, it was a huge event. By huge event, I mean my mom invited everyone out to the ranch to come see it.

As promised, Walter got the first ride out to Rock Spring for dinner. He got the royal treatment which included a tour of the town. He and Mrs. Willow hit it off and somehow, she convinced him to move out here. Kayla was so excited about it she took care of everything, and as of last week, Walter is now a Rock Springs resident.

Kayla, of course, is beyond thrilled, and they now have lunch together several times a week. She likes keeping him close and being able to keep an eye on him. When she gets stuck at work, she goes to him to talk and always walks away with new ideas.

"What are you thinking about so hard over there?" Kayla asks as we snuggle up in the bed of my truck, which I have parked in the field. We love to watch the sunset whenever we can.

"You, actually. How much happier you are with Walter here."

"I am. He was the one thing I regretted leaving in Dallas. With him here, everything is perfect."

"No regrets about your choice to move here?"

"Only one."

I stiffen because it's been a bit of a bumpy road. Kayla got the helicopter pad and hanger built as fast as she could and even has a temporary pilot. But he's made it clear it's temporary, so she's been working on getting her license. But with work, her time to get her flying hours in is limited.

"What is it?" I’m almost afraid to know.

She rolls onto her stomach and lifts her head to look at me."That I didn't do it sooner."

Relaxing, I pull her on top of me and kiss her. I wish she had done it sooner, too, but she's here now and that is all that matters. When she pulls back, she tucks herself into my side and we curl up and watch the sunset in the beautiful Texas sky.

"So, I was talking to my dad, and while he enjoys being retired, he also misses being at the clinic. He said he doesn't want to do it full-time like when you were here, but maybe one day a week."

"I think it will be good for him and your mom. He's been driving her crazy with all the animals he wants to get. You know he bought two alpacas?"

"And Mom let him keep them?" I ask because I haven't heard this story yet.

My mom and Kayla have lunch together once a week, normally the day after she comes back from Dallas. I'm pretty sure it's so she doesn't get scooped on the latest gossip.

"Of course not. Before your dad even got home, they were sent back."

I chuckle at the story. I love how well Kayla and my mom get along even if sometimes it's to my disadvantage.

"Well, he wants to come back to the clinic one day a week. There really is no reason for the two of us to be there, so I was thinking, what if he came in on the days you go to Dallas. I’ll go with you and do some volunteer work while you’re at work? There’s a free clinic a few blocks from your office that could use the help."

"I love the idea. It means more time with you. And whatever you need for the clinic, you let me know. I’ll make it happen."

"I know you will."

We lay there until a song comes on that describes exactly how I feel about being here.

"Come on." I stand up and move the blankets out of the way.

"What are you doing?"

"I want to dance with you to this song. Every time it comes on, I think of you." I pull her to me, and we start dancing right there in the back of the pickup truck. The light from the sun is long gone and the moonlight and stars surround us.

"You’re so beautiful," I whisper as I stare at the woman who has become my entire world.

Kayla is everything I was looking for and many things I wasn't because I didn't know what I wanted or needed. She gets along great with my friends and family. Her parents seem to like me and visit regularly. Her mom even pulled me aside the other day and said to be prepared when we start having kids, they would be out once a week for family dinners. Kayla told me later that her father invested in his own helicopter so they can visit us more easily.

I ask her why he wouldn't just use hers. She smiled, saying he wanted a new play toy. A several million dollar play toy, apparently. Their lifestyle is still something I'm getting used to. Other than some name brand clothing, and the helicopter, Kayla is a pretty normal person. She doesn't flash her money and I almost forget she is a billionaire in her own right until she does something like buying a helicopter, or a champion racehorse because, and I quote, "it was too pretty to be racing around a racetrack."

The soft light on her face along with the smile she has for me lets me know this is the best time to tell her how I feel. I was waiting for the perfect moment, and I know this is it. Spinning her around to face me again, I get on one knee. The moment she sees me, she gasps. Then I pull the ring from my pocket and take a deep breath.