"We were watching, and you handled that well," her dad says, shaking my hand. It’s all very public and I'm sure it’s a sign of his approval of me or something like that. It’s very apparent that at an event like this a man of his status does nothing just because.

Kayla keeps her hand in mine as we circulate and start talking to other couples. She introduces me, and other than a polite hello and nice to meet you, they are more interested in talking to Kayla, which is fine by me. I’m more than happy to focus my attention on her as well.

It isn't until a group of women walks up to us that things change.

"Kayla! You have missed too many brunches. Next weekend you can't skip out on us again."

Kayla laughs and hugs each of the four women.

"Girls, this is Brice. He's a doctor. Brice these are my friends, Ava, Kelsey, Beth, and Willa."

"Nice to meet you," I tell them.

Kayla chats with them for a minute, assuring them she was out of town and not just ditching them. But the whole time they keep eyeing me as if I'm a prime steak they plan to eat for dinner.

When a gentleman I remember seeing at her office but can't recall his name steps up to introduce her to someone else, the woman turns to me.

"So, where do you practice?" the redhead asks–Willa, I think.

"I have my own practice in Rock Springs."

"You look young to have your own place," Ava says.

"Well, I took it over from my father when he retired."

"Where is Rock Springs?" Willa asks.

"It's a small town west of here."

"Small town? Why don't you get a job here in Dallas where most people really are?"

"Stop, Willa. Not everyone is cut out to be a big city doctor. He took over from his father, after all," Ava says.

Istand there in complete shock at how openly rude these women are.

"So, why are you here with Kayla? Do you have something to do with the charity?" Beth asks.

"No, I'm her date," I say.

"Yes, but why?" Willa asks.

I don't even have an answer to that question. If there was a reason, it would be that Kayla would only bring me as a date. But apparently, in these women’s minds, there can't be any possible way we are dating.

"You'd have to ask her," I say as they stare me down.

When Kayla comes back, they’re all smiles, like we were getting along perfectly.

I, on the other hand, am ready to go, and we haven't even had dinner yet. Thankfully, we make our way to the table and none of the girls we just met are there.

The woman next to me at dinner seems to have the same mindset as Kayla's friends. Why would I want to practice in a small town instead of Dallas? Why did Kayla bring me tonight? How could we have possibly met? Have I met her parents?

With every fiber of being, I try to grin and bear it because I know how important this night is for her. But she can sense something is wrong and pulls me to the side.

"Thank you for tonight. I just need to talk to the Governor and then we can go," she says.

I nod and watch her talk with him from the sidelines.

Kayla's mom walks up beside me. "You’re doing better than I did at my first event." "I'm not going to lie, these aren't people I want to spend time with."