
It's been two of the longest weeks of my life. Being away from Kayla physically hurts, and I hate every minute of it. She calls me every morning and we talk while we both get ready for work. Then we text all day, sometimes sneaking away for a lunchtime phone call. Every night from the moment she gets home until we both go to sleep, we video chat.

Many nights those video calls turn very dirty because the need in me to remind her she’s mine is strong. Though she’s beautiful and successful and could have any guy in Dallas she wants, she picks me. While I know she wants me, part of me worries she will tire of the long-distance because no matter how hard we try, neither of us has a long-term plan.

Last weekend, my dad, who loved being back at the clinic, took over for me so I could spend the weekend with Kayla. I needed to hold her in my arms because sleeping without her has become nearly impossible. That weekend we both caught up on much-needed sleep between rounds of love-making. We didn't leave her apartment, much less her bed.

Now I'm back in Dallas. I got in last night and am getting ready for the gala event. I'm not thrilled about having to ditch my cowboy boots and wear a suit, but I know how important this is for her. I have to say, a real perk of staying in Kayla's Dallas Penthouse is the bathroom space. We’re both able to easily get ready for this event. The bonus is, I can watch her get ready in person instead of on the phone like I’ve been doing each morning.

She is in a stunning deep green dress that makes her hair and eyes pop. It's tight at the waist and flows loosely around her legs. All I can think about is if she’s wearing anything underneath it. When I ask her, she just smirks, which doesn’t help my thoughts much.

I attempt to focus on something else, like how I would decorate this place if I lived here with her because even though she says she has lived here for over three years, the place doesn’t have much style. There’s only one painting on the wall in the living room and nothing on any of the walls throughout the rest of the place. There is the essential furniture, a few photos, and that's it.

If it weren't for the photos, there would be no way to tell who lives here. There is no personality. Heck, it looks more like a bachelor pad than the home of a kick ass female CEO. I asked her about it last night. She says her dad picked this place out for its security, but it has never really felt like home. She commented that my house feels more like home to her than her place. Which made me want to ask her to move in with me. Though the timing was wrong and I’m sure that wouldn't work, so I just made love to her until we both passed out.

I've been standing here watching her, and she catches my eye in the mirror.

"I'm ready when you are," she says.

"I could stand here and watch you all night. But let's get this over with so we can get back here, and I can peel that dress off you and see what you do or don't have under it."

Smirking at me again, she takes my hand as we head downstairs."I got a car for us today, so we don't have to deal with traffic or worry about having a drink or two."

Even though this is a smart idea, I wouldn't have minded driving us.

I let her slide into the back seat first and then follow her in. When the door closes, she leans in and gives me a chaste kiss.

"You look really handsome, and the women tonight will just eat you up, but I prefer you in what you wore to Ford's wedding."

I swear I know right then and there I’m in love with this woman, and it couldn't be a worse time to tell her. Until we figure this out, I can't tell her, or else I just risk hurting us both even more.

When we arrive, there is a line of cars waiting to drop people off.

My nerves suddenly kick in."You didn't say there would be photos and a red carpet." "I know. I didn't want to make you even more nervous. But I swear you don't have to do anything but smile, because I’ll handle any questions, okay? It's a big event. Anyone who is anyone in Dallas Society is going to be here and the governor is even making an appearance."

It’s becoming clear the number of things I’ll do for this woman and if she only knew, it could be very dangerous. I’ll gladly stand by her side and smile for photos because it will let everyone know she is mine, and I’m hers. Though I better give my mom a heads up about the photos because she’ll be wanting to get some printed and share them around town.

Pulling out my phone, I shoot my mom a quick text.

"Can't let your mother get scooped on the gossip?" she chuckles.

Already she knows me, my family, and even Rock Springs so well. So, I just nod, send the text, and mute my phone for the night.

When it's our turn, my nerves kick into full gear but one look at her and everything feels right.

Here goes nothing.

The driver opens the door and I step out, ignoring the cameras, and turning to offer Kayla a hand. She takes it and before her foot even hits the pavement flashes are going off, people are yelling questions, and security is fighting to keep people back. I don't pay attention to any of it, simply focusing on Kayla and keeping her eyes on me as she steps out of the car.

She tucks her arm in mine, and we make our way up the red carpet. She stops and poses a few times for photos and answers a few work-related questions but ignores anything about me, or us, or her time away from the office.

The moment we are inside, I almost sag with relief.

"I don't know how you do that," I tell her.

"Since I was raised in this life, it's almost second nature. Doesn't mean I like it. Just means I know how to deal with it."

That's when her parents walk up.