"Come on, I told you I didn't care if you woke me up. What's the real reason?"

The server comes and sets our drinks down. Kayla takes her time having a few sips like she is trying to find the right words.

"I've never shared a bed with anyone. That night after the shower was the first time I woke up next to someone. I haven't had a relationship since college and even then, I was always so busy I never spent the night."

The anger and worry melt away. She's new to all this, and that I can work with. Reaching across the table, I take her hand in mine and squeeze it. We chat a bit before our dinner arrives.

"This is so good," she moans after her first bite. A sound that goes right to my dick.

"This is the reason people drive all the way from Dallas for Nick’s food," I agree.

We both finish every bite on our plates, and for a little thing like her, it’s impressive. But the food is so good you don't dare let it go to waste.

"Dance with me? We can work off some of that food," I joke as she takes my hand and lets me lead her onto the dance floor.

Pulling her into my arms, I hold her close."I hated the distance between us these last few days," I murmur into her ear.

"Me, too." She rests her head on my shoulder, a move that feels like home. This is where she’s meant to be.

"I'm not going to let you get sucked into work like that again."

"I hope you don't. I don't like it and I end the day feeling horrible."

"Of course, I have special ways of distracting you." I nip at her ear causing her to giggle. After the last few days, it’s a sound that soothes my soul.

As we dance, more and more people join us. It gets crowded, but neither of us has plans to end our dance as one song changes into another. The couple next to us starts talking about the brisket and the man says he wishes he could buy some BBQ sauce to take home with him.

Kayla lifts her head, looking at me, and I know her wheels are turning,

"Sometimes you have to shift gears. That's what my dad said."

"Maybe this is your sign."

"Yeah, maybe." She smiles, snuggling back into me.

Even as I’m holding her close, something in my gut is saying this is the beginning of the end.

When the song is over, I lead her to the bar to get something to drink. We sit down and Jason walks up.

"You hear they finally shut down that illegal rodeo? It’s all the locals are talking about tonight," Jason says.

"Yeah, it’s going to be a shit show in Dallas,” Kayla says. “There were some politicians involved, some CEOs, people on the mayor’s staff, and even a few members of the police force, which is how they stayed under the radar for so long. Also, there was a huge land developer involved. My dad is already trying to figure out how we can scoop up some of the companies that will go under because of this."

"Rumor has it, it was you who put the pieces together," Jason says.

"When I heard the story, I had my dad do some digging. He was able to get some people in there to help bust it up."

"Well, however it was done, we all thank you. The horses going missing outside of town was causing a lot of tension and stress. People will sleep a bit better tonight, for sure."

"Well, I'm glad I could help. In other news, I had an idea for something different. If you have time this week, I'd like to pitch it to you and Nick. But I still have to do some research."

Jason hesitates. I know he doesn't want to be rude, but at the same time, he doesn't seem open to any of her ideas after the franchise one.

"I think this is a good one, Jason."

"Okay. For you, Brice, I'll take this meeting."

"You won't regret it," Kayla says.