
I crack open an eye and realize I'm not in my room, or rather, the guest room. It takes a minute to remember the mudding, the shower, and ending up in his bed. I turn on my back and the arm slung over my body pulls me closer. He doesn't look awake, and I love that even in his sleep he wants me near him.

That's when I hear it again. The noise that woke me up is someone pounding on the door.

"Brice, someone is at the door."

"Tell them to go away. I have plans to be inside you all morning." He kisses my shoulder.

"Okay." I roll out of bed and pull my underwear on and his t-shirt. I try to fix my hair on the way to the door, but since I ended up in bed with it wet, I don’t think there’s any hope for it.

Whoever it is starts pounding on the door again. I open it expecting to find one of Brice's friends, or even a patient, but instead both my parents are standing there. They stare me down and there is no mistaking what they woke me up from.

"Brice, I don't think we’re going back to sleep," I yell, stepping back to let my parents into the living room. A moment later, Brice almost stumbles in wearing sweatpants and pulling on a t-shirt, his dark brown hair a mess.

Thankfully, he recognizes my parents from the video call and stops in his tracks.

"Did we know they were coming?" he asks me.


He looks at me and his eyes soften. I can tell he likes me in his shirt, but he can't do anything about it. "Go get dressed. I’ll make coffee and breakfast.”

I nod and turn toward my room, while he goes into the kitchen and my parents take a seat on the couch.

When Brice steps into my room with a cup of coffee,I'm dressed and running a brush through my hair.

"I liked you in my shirt. You’lll have to put it back on again tonight." He kisses my neck, sending shivers through my body that make me want to ignore my parents and drag him back to bed.

"Oh, that shirt?" I nod to the shirt I placed on my bed.

"Yes, that shirt." He palms my ass, and I have to brace myself on the counter.

"That shirt is now mine. You won't be getting it back."

"Mmm, I like the idea of you sleeping in it." He nuzzles my ear."But we better get back out there, or your parents will know exactly what we’re doing in here."

Then he walks out as if nothing happened.


He knew exactly what he was doing to me. Now I'm hot, bothered, and wet, and still have to go out there and entertain my parents, possibly all day before I can drag him back to bed.

How did he not walk out of here with an erection?

After taking a moment to get myself under control and fortify myself with a few sips of coffee, I walk out to the living room.

"What are you wearing?" my mother asks.

I look down and find myself in jeans and a flannel shirt I got from the store when we bought our boots.

"Clothes. When in Rome," I shrug, and my mom shakes her head but doesn’t say anything more.

Brice is smirking at me from behind his coffee cup. I sit on the other side of the room from him, which earns me an instant frown, but he doesn't comment.

"Mom, Dad. What are you doing here?" I get right to the point.

"We’re here to check on you dear. It’s like you dropped off the face of the planet," Mom says.