"Oh, where did you go to school?" Mom asks.


"So, you’re pretty smart then."

I glare at my mom, but she ignores me. I just rub Kayla's arm, letting her know I'm here for her.

"That's what they tell me," she smiles.

"And what is it you do?”

"I’m the CEO of Bartrum Enterprises."

"Yes, I know your title but what do you do on your day to day working hours?"

"Everything," Kayla chuckles. "I sit in a lot of meetings I don't have to be at, but potential clients like me to be there. I handle any fires that reach my desk. I have great department heads, but if it reaches me, it needs my attention. When we implement new procedures, I babysit a lot. Also, I approve all marketing campaigns and final budgets. All pitches have to be approved by me, as I deal with all contracts and investors. Since I report to the Board, it's my head on the chopping block if profit goes down in a given quarter."

Mom’s eyebrows rise in surprise. "Goodness! And you do all that yourself?"

"Like I said, I have really good department heads, and by the time contracts and budgets hit my desk, there isn't much to do other than reading and signing. I have a secretary who is amazing at her job, and she has an assistant who does all the grunt work, paperwork, filing, and running around. In addition, I have a personal assistant to help with things like making sure I have the right attire for events, and getting my Christmas shopping done. My dad built this company, and he trusts me with it. I don't plan to let him down."

There’s a gleam of pride in my dad's eyes. He knows all about building something for your child to take over. I don't think I ever saw that man cry except on the day he put my name on a shingle next to his at the clinic.

Mom and Dad chat with her for a little longer when a timer in the kitchen goes off.

"How much longer until the food is ready?" I ask when she returns from the kitchen.

"About an hour,” Mom replies.

“Can I steal Kayla? I wanted to take her on a horseback ride and show her some of the property while it's still light out."

"Of course, go, go!" Mom says, shooing us out the back door.

On the way to the barn, I show Kayla the chickens and pigs.” "I told you Mom was going to be intense," I say, taking her hand as we walk.

“She’d be a good person to have on my team when I’m interviewing people. She'd weed out all the weak ones. Think she's looking for a job?"

I can't help it. I burst out laughing because most people can't wait to get away from my mom. But of course, Kayla takes it in her stride. My girl is tough as nails.

My girl?

Yeah, she's quickly become my girl, even if I really don't have any claim to her. She's here, keeping up with my mom and smiling the entire time.

We get the horses saddled, and she’s getting ready to mount her horse.

"Wait. Let me help. You still need to be gentle on that ankle." I tell her.

I place my hands on her hips as she puts her foot in the stirrup and give her a boost when she swings her leg over.

"When we’re finished, let me help you down off Daisy here."

"Okay. What’s your horse's name?"

"This here is Road Runner. I've had him since I was ten. Come on, there’s a creek down here and just beyond that field there are wildflowers, some might be in bloom.”

She follows me down the trail until we reach the clearing.

"Mom loves having family picnics here when the weather is nice, and especially when the flowers are in full bloom."