Page 65 of Sunset

Jasper is so good with kids. How did I forget this? Though, he may be an only child, he was always around kids. He helped his mom with the daycare in church many times, and even babysat the twin boys down the street, when he was in high school. He would tutor kids in school, and while he wasn’t ever on the football team, he liked to help the football players train.

When Jasper and the boy stand up, he spots me and smiles. I smile back and just shake my head and make my way to my office to get some work done.

An hour later, I can’t stop thinking about that kid and Jasper’s offer to help in the kitchen. I give up the pretense of working and head into the kitchen.

“Hey, how’s it going?” I ask.

“Julian here is a natural in the kitchen.” Jasper nods his head to the boy, who is stirring something in a large bowl. “Julian, this is Miss Brynn, she owns The Inn.”

“Wow, you own this place?” Julian’s eyes light up.

“Yep. My parents started it, before I was born, and I took over about five years ago.” I tell him.

No point in getting into the heavy of why I took over. That’s not what this kid needs today.

“My dad’s job is boring. He does something with stocks in the city. I never get to see him.” Julian’s eyes drop.

“But you’re having fun in the kitchen?” I try to lighten the mood.

“Yeah! I got to learn how to prep for lunch. I’ve been able to make some sandwiches, and Mr. Jasper even let me create my own sandwich and put it out for today’s special.” He says.

“Yeah, what is it?” I ask.

“I call it the Sand Dollar Club. It’s got turkey, bacon, Swiss cheese, herbed mayo, lettuce, tomato, and black olives on a toasted…” He trails off.

“Brioche bun.” Jasper finishes for him.

“Yeah, he let me try the different buns to see which I liked best. We even put a little garlic butter on top, before toasting it.” He says.

“It’s been selling well, too.” Jasper adds.

“Well, you’ve sold me. I’m staying, so I’ll have a Sand Dollar Club.” I tell him and take my seat on the stool to the side of the kitchen.

Julian’s entire face lights up. He starts pulling out what he needs. Jasper toasts the bun, and Julian compiles the sandwich. Then, Jasper adds fries and his homemade pickles I love, and Julian brings it over to me. A moment later Ken drops a sweet tea in front of me with a wink and is back out in the dining room, before I can speak.

Both Jasper and Julian stare at me, waiting to hear what I think, and I feel like I’m on one of those reality TV shows that my last chef left me for. I take my time studying it.

“Presentation is excellent. It makes me hungrier just looking at it. I think it would make a great social media photo.” I wink, pulling out my camera and taking a few photos to post later.

Then, I take a bite. I will say I’ve never had people watch me so intently before.

As I start to chew, I realize this kid has some amazing talents. It’s honestly one of the best sandwiches I’ve ever had. That includes the one’s Jasper and his dad have made me.

“This is really good, and even better than the stuff Jasper has made me before. Maybe, you need to give him sandwich making lessons.” I say, taking another bite.

Julian stands a bit taller and smiles. His sun kissed tan skin glows, and his blue eyes sparkle.

“You have a lot of talent. Keep learning, go to school, and when you graduate, look me up. I’d gladly give you a job.” Jasper says.

He then gives him a card that has both his restaurants on it, and they talk about what it’s like running two restaurants, and why he’s working at The Sunrise, as they finish up the lunch rush, and I eat my lunch.

Jasper looks up over at me from time-to-time, like he’s checking to make sure I’m still here and doing okay. I like being in his space and being close to him. When I look at the counter I’m sitting next to, I notice no one uses it. I could set up my laptop here and work from here now and then. Especially, on days like today, where I can’t seem to concentrate in my office.

Julian is so excited to be in the kitchen he even stays to help clean up after lunch, before going in search of his dad.

I try to work in my office again, but it just isn’t happening, so I grab my laptop and head to the kitchen and set up on the counter, where I was at lunch. I start working and answering emails. I’m so engrossed in my work that I don’t notice Jasper, walking up behind me.

“I like you working here in my kitchen.” He says next to my ear, wrapping his arms around my waist.