The boy brightened, even though his speech came out a rasp. “He’s finally taking us to live with him?”
Ugh, my heart.
“Yeah,” I said. I held out my arms, trying to urge them out of there, afraid of what would happen if we didn’t escapenow.“But we’ve got to go.”
I said it cheerfully, managing to hide all my horror.
I finally got them to come out, but the little boy seemed unsteady on his feet. I scooped him up to carry him, hating that now I’d be slower in a fight. The three of us steered toward the front entryway. When I could see the green trees out the windows near the front trees, I almost dared to breathe.
Then that awful sound again, and the boy in my arms jumped.
“Remington,” the little girl said, and she went straight back into the house.
“Get back here,” I whispered, but I didn’t exactly ever have a part-time job babysitting; I didn’t know the first thing about how to talk to kids. I didn’t even know when I was a kid. She was already gone.
Reluctantly, I moved back into the house after her.
“We’ve got to get out of here,” I whispered when I reached her, my voice barely audible. She had stopped just outside the room where Remington was. “Then I’ll come back and rescue him.”
“Is that so?” a mocking voice asked, and a man with a gun moved into view, stepping into the hall.
My mind raced, and the kid in my arms froze, his arms looped tightly around my neck. Where was Remington’s gun? Was it the one in the man’s hand?
I was holding this guy’s son. Would he really shoot through him to get to me?
Given what I had just seen, I had to assume this guy didn’t give a damn about his kids.
Remington was pale, sweat beading along his hairline, and I realized he was dripping blood into the carpet. His gaze met mine, and I couldn’t quite read his expression. Concern? Disappointment? Exasperation? Light-hearted Remington wasn’t as easy-breezy as usual.
“What are you doing here?” the man demanded.
“I came to help these kids.” I flashed him a tight smile. “I have ways of dealing with monsters.”
I sounded pretty cocky, I realized, for someone on the wrong end of a gun. But I did have a lot of experience with being terrified.
“And who are you?” he demanded.
‘“I’m a friend of Remington’s.”
Remington gave the briefest shake of his head, warning me off, but it was too late.
The man huffed a laugh. “Oh, I know who you are,Aurora.I know I told my son to stay far away from you, but he couldn’t follow a simple order any more than he could keep from lying about his grades.”
“Remington’s not lying about his grades. He pissed me off. So I set him up.” I cocked my head to one side, studying Remington’s father. “You didn’t realize Remington’s good grades were correct? He must get his intelligence from his mother’s side.”
Remington looked tensely coiled, but he glanced at me, his eyes widening faintly and his lips quirking in surprise. He didn’t deserve for me to take his side, but here we were.
“Aurora, I can have the police here in two minutes,” the man said. “If I were you, I’d get away from my children…and stay very far away.”
“You’d really want the police here with the cages in the basement?” I asked.
“Let the kids go,” Remington said. “Then let’s talk this out.”
The man hesitated. “Go upstairs to your mother,” he told the kids, and they scattered, running up the stairs.