“Val?” Logan stutters, not believing his eyes.

I curl my hair up into a bun on top of my head and turn away, walking slowly into the water. I’m just knee deep in when I turn around to face the boys who hold my heart in their hands rooted to the small patch of sand.

“What are you waiting for? The water is fine,” I shout, before turning back around and diving into the cool water.

When I come back up, my eyes go back to the shore. It’s Quaid who is the first to pull off his boxers and jump into the water with me. Even from afar, I can see how hard he is. The minute Quaid slashes through the water, Logan peels off his own boxers to follow him while Carter stays on the shore just watching me. Neither Quaid or Logan come too near, letting me swim to my heart’s content.

When I see that Carter hasn’t moved an inch, my heart begins to throb inside my chest. I swim closer to the water’s edge and stand up once I’m close enough to see his scowl, the moon making it even more menacing.

“Not in the mood for a swim?”

“Is that what you call this?”

I walk out of the river, water dripping from my body as I inch closer to him.

“What would you call it?”

“A trap,” he counters, his face angry.

“What’s got up your butt?” Quaid asks, making me snap my head over my shoulder. Both he and Logan followed me out to the bank, their glowers fixed on the boy in front of me, unimpressed with the black look Carter is giving me.

Carter swipes his hand over his face, frustration marring all his dark features.

“Idiots! Don’t you see what she’s trying to do?!” he yells, grabbing his T-shirt off the ground and putting it back on.

“And just what exactly am I trying to do?” I yell back, my own rage beginning to bubble through.

“Don’t act innocent with me, Valentina! I know you through and through. I know exactly what allthisis and where it’s supposed to lead. Don’t you deny it!”

“What’s going on? What is Carter on about?” Logan questions me suspiciously.

I open my mouth to defend myself, but then shut it, unable to find the right words to salvage this night.

“Carter is just being a douche. That’s what’s going on,” Quaid retorts as he hands me my red dress to cover myself.

“Stop seeing things with your heart! Goddammit, Quaid! Open those fucking eyes of yours and see shit for what it is! She’ll never pick you. She’ll never pick you either, Logan. And she sure as shit won’t pick me. Not when she thinks she can have all three of us!”

“You say that as if it’s impossible for me to want that! Why should I deprive myself of any one of you, when all three of you own my heart!” I yell after pulling my dress over my wet, trembling body.

“Because it’s a fucking fairy tale! It’s not reality. You think any hospital would take you as a serious doctor if they find out you’re screwing three guys at once?! You think Quaid won’t get shit on the football field when word gets out that his girl shares her bed with two of his best friends? You think those Wall Street guys will treat Logan any better?!”

“I thought what we had was more important than idle gossip,” I reply, my voice sounding just as hollow as I feel.

“It’s not gossip if it’s true. You’ll ruin our lives, and we’ll end up ruining yours.”

“Is that how you all feel, too?”

Logan has the decency of bowing his head, while Quaid maintains his death stare at Carter, but he doesn’t deny it to me either.

“I see,” I mumble, picking up my ballet flats before turning to leave.

“Princess, where are you going?” Quaid yells to me as I start climbing my way up.

“Home!” I yell.

“Let us take you,” Carter joins in, and I hear footsteps shuffling behind me.

“No! J-Just leave me alone,” I stutter, but turn around just so I can have one last look at them. “Thank you for making tonight so memorable. I’ll never forget it.”