“Okay, Dad. Love you,” I say before placing a kiss on his cheek.

“I love you too. Always and forever.”

I pull away and smile brightly at him before Quaid tugs at my hand, ushering me out the door as I wave to my chuckling father.

“We’re taking my car,” Quaid announces.

“Of course we are,” Logan smirks beside me.

“Hey, don’t be all pissy because you don’t have wheels.”

“I have wheels,” Carter counters tauntingly.

“No, you have a motorcycle like some bad boy cliché. It doesn’t count,” Quaid jokes.

“He’s not wrong,” Carter replies with a wink directed at me as we all walk towards Quaid’s car. Logan opens the front door for me, like the gentleman he is, and I slide into the front seat.

“Buckle up, princess. We are going to give you the best eighteenth birthday in history,” Quaid belts with a chuckle.

“I expect nothing less out of you three.”

Lorenzo’s iseverything I expected it to be.

The restaurant oozes romance. With its low candlelight ambiance, soulful music playing in the background increasing the intimate setting, and where each table showcases freshly cut red roses, adding to the lovers’ feel to the place.

I did, however, have to stifle an unladylike snorted laugh when the maître d’ paled when all four of us showed up to the place. It was obvious by his fidgeting state that he was only accustomed to two party dinner parties and not the group one that just passed his restaurant’s doors. He eased up somewhat when he checked that our reservations were made ahead of time with four people in mind. Quaid had given instructions for us to have a quiet corner table so we could take in the gorgeous scenery and still feel comfortable to act like ourselves. You’d be surprised how many people change their personality just to fit into a fancy place like this.

Dinner is to die for. Every morsel of food is even more delicious than the next. But it’s the company sitting at the same table as me that really amps up my hunger, with how tempting each one of my loves look tonight. Say what you will, but there is just something about a man with a pressed white-collar shirt, the sleeves rolled up on their forearms, and a sexy smirk to his lips. Logan and Quaid both look like they have stepped out of aGQphoto shoot, while Carter, in his usual black attire, is the embodiment of enticing danger.

All throughout dinner, in the back of my mind, little wicked fantasies taunt me. They play in a seductive loop, making me squirm in my seat with the idea of fulfilling them in a few hours. I’m so eager to get us out of here, but I school my features as best I can, not to narc myself out to the boys before I’m ready. Besides, I also want to savor every minute of tonight, just as much as the two-star Michelin food.

Once we finish dessert, I witness a similar tone of urgency in all my loves’ faces.

“What is it? Do I have something stuck in between my teeth?” I ask instantly, pulling the white napkin from my lap up to my mouth, to hide whatever embarrassing thing is pulling their eyes in my direction.

“Nothing like that,” Logan says while beaming, nudging his shoulder with mine.

“Then what is it?”

“Here,” Quaid adds, before passing a small velvet box to the center of the table.

“What’s this?” I question, surprised, pulling the little purple box my way.

“What does it look like? It’s your birthday present, silly,” Logan explains with a chuckle.

“Is it now?” I beam, looking at each of their faces.

“Just open it already, before Quaid here has a coronary,” Carter teases, bringing my focus to a fidgeting Quaid.

Sensing that he isn’t the only one on the edge of his seat, I open the box to see for myself what my best friends deemed the perfect gift to give me for my eighteenth birthday. Of course the minute I open the lid, I’m left utterly speechless. Inside on a velvet blue pillow lies a necklace. But not just any necklace, one that was custom-made just for me. A silver chain holds a small compass with our initials on its borders.

My emotions take the best of me as I tremble taking it out of its box.

“It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” I gasp.

“Not to us,” Logan utters lovingly, his blue eyes twinkling with adoration.

“Can you put it on me?” I ask him, to which he complies with a sweet smile to his lips.