I can’t.

“If you don’t, we will choose for you,” Carter continues on gruffly.

That is the slap across the face.

“Get out.”

“W-What?” Logan stammers, his head snapping back up.

“I said get out,” I repeat.

“Babe…” Quaid hushes, coming closer to me, but my empty stare pins him to the spot.

“You want me to choose, then I’m making my choice. Leave me. Now!”

“Val, we don’t want to leave you alone,” Logan interjects, sounding hurt.

You already have.

“Leave. You want a decision, then I’ll give you one.”

This wakes them up from their stupor.

“So you will choose?” Quaid asks in equal measures of hopeful and afraid.

“You didn’t leave me with much choice.”

I just hope I can live with the one I’m about to make.

That we all can.

Chapter 16




I’m in my kitchen, staring out the window, when I see Carter slam his front door, hurriedly crossing his lawn over to Val’s place. The next thing I see is a lightning speed shadow crossing the road and ramming himself into Carter, knocking him to the ground.

“Shit!” I belt out before heading outside. When I get to Val’s lawn, Quaid and Carter are already at it, slamming punches from all angles, the sound of bone breaking under each jab.

“The fuck do you think you’re going?!” Quaid howls, landing a sucker punch to Carter’s mid drift, and a loudhumphleaves my somber friend. When I think Quaid is going to do more damage with his bruised knuckles, Carter head butts him in the nose, making Quaid fall back on his ass.

“What the hell are you two doing?!” I yell out, trying to stop my two best friends from killing each other.

“He was going over to see Val!”

“It’s been three days, asshole. One of us had to man the fuck up and go talk to her,” Carter explains, spitting blood from his busted lip onto the grass.

“And who said you had to be that man, huh?” Quaid barks back, still thirsting for more blood.

“This is insane! Will you two look at yourselves?”

Carter wipes his bleeding mouth on his forearm while Quaid tries to stand up, rubbing his nose that thankfully doesn’t look broken.

“I’m tired of waiting,” Carter rebukes, also getting back on his feet.