I halt my breathing, leaning fully against the wall for strength.

“Have you told Logan about this? Carter?” my father interrogates.


“Don’t you think you should?”

There is an awkward silence between them and an edge to my father’s tone.

“They’ll see reason when the time comes,” Quaid responds, his attitude not as sure as it was a minute ago.

“Or maybe you’re the one who needs to see reason, son,” my father adds ominously.

“Are you saying you won’t give me your blessing when the time comes?”

“Do right by my daughter, and you have all the blessings in the world from me. Just tread carefully, Quaid. Where your heart only belongs to her, Val has a much bigger one, capable of loving more than you might be comfortable with. Don’t make her choose if you don’t want to lose your space in it.”

I swallow dryly and step into view at that precise moment, wanting to put an end to their conversation. Whatever Quaid’s response to my father’s counsel, I don’t think my heart could take it. Both men turn their heads towards me, instantly feeling my presence. My father’s eyes shine with unconditional pride and love, while Quaid’s are dimmed with sadness and longing.

“You look beautiful, Valentina,” my father says, walking over to me, kissing my cheek.

“Thanks, Dad.” I then tilt my head over to Quaid, who is trying to pull himself together.

My father clears his throat, waking Quaid from his stupor.

“Val, you look… There are no words,” he praises, walking over to me and placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

“Thank you.”

“Should we go then?” he asks, placing a steady hand on the hollow of my back.

“Be back by midnight,” Dad says.

“I thought we agreed to come back at one,” I counter, placing my hands on my hips.

“Sorry, no can do, kiddo. I hadn’t seen the dress, Val. Now I’m saying midnight.”

“Funny,” I mumble, to which Quaid chuckles, lifting my spirits that my Quaid is back to his usual cheerful self.

“I’ll have her home safe and sound by midnight, old man. I give you my word.”

“Is that right? So can I also have your word you’ll be a complete gentleman and not molest my daughter in any way?” My dad cocks his eyebrows at us both.

“Dad!!!” I shout, embarrassed, while Quaid goes beet red at my side.

My father however, just laughs at our mortification.

“Come on, Quaid, before my father says something else equally embarrassing.”

“Oh, I can go all night,” my father adds, still giddy. He’s making my date turn all the colors in a crayon box and loving every minute of it. “Like for example, I’m a firm believer that if you’re not old enough to buy beer, then you also have no business buying a condom.”

“Dad!” I chastise, but it’s pretty hard keeping a straight face when my father is laughing himself silly on the inside, while trying to keep a hard expression on the outside.

He’s failing miserably at it.

“I…um…have a good night, Mr. E. I promise I’ll treat Val right,” Quaid stammers, offering a forced formal goodbye.

It’s so weird to hear him talk like that to Dad, since both of them are thick as thieves.