So much more.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Ty’s hand went to my jeans, and my stomach jumped with excitement.

Then someone knocked on the door and called out, “Room service.”

With a groan, Ty dropped his head as I pushed him off me, and he rolled to the bed, a look of disappointment etched on his face.

“We need food for energy. Once we get naked, I don’t plan on leaving this room until we have to. Plus, I’m starving!”

“I like the sound of not leaving the room,” Ty said as I climbed off the bed and opened the door.

“Hi! Can you set it all on the table, please?” I asked. I reached into my purse and pulled out a tip.

Once the guy left, I felt Ty’s eyes on me, watching every move I made, and I loved how it made my body catch fire. We had been through a plethora of emotions the last few hours. There was no doubt about that.

I opened both beers and handed Ty one and then grabbed the pizza box and sat on the bed again. Ty sat up, his face serious as he sipped the beer.

“It’s your turn now. How are you handling this whole Katy and Olivia thing?”

I took a bite of pizza and shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t want to let it bother me, but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t.”

He nodded. “Fair enough.”

It was true. I really didn’t know how to feel. Letting the idea that Ty might already be a father bother me would be wasted energy. Especially if it turned out he wasn’t her father.

“I think we need to see what happens with that. I don’t want to stress about it and cause tension between us. Did I want to bolt when I realized what was going on? Yes. I had the urge to run, but I didn’t because you mean so much to me, and I don’t want to walk away from this, from us. It feels too right.”

“It does.”

I smiled and bit my lower lip. The knowledge that Ty felt the same as me made my chest feel warm, and a little bubble of want moved in my lower stomach.

“One thing we need to talk about is the fact that you and I seem to be flirting with danger.”

“No condoms?” he asked with a wink.

“Yes. We’re just getting started with our own relationship, and I won’t lie to you: a few weeks ago, when I thought that maybe all I was going to get from you was one night, I hoped I would be pregnant. I was actually upset when my period started.”

He stared at me, something flashing across his face. Then he looked away, almost as if he was embarrassed.

“Talk to me, Ty.”

Looking back at me, he said the one thing I hadn’t expected him to say. “Then I can admit to you that I hoped you were as well.”

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. “Really?”

He shrugged. “If I couldn’t give you a commitment, I wanted you to have a piece of me.”

My mouth hung open, and I slowly shook my head.

He gave me another half shrug. “Yeah, Brock was ready to kick my ass when I admitted that little tidbit to him.”

“You told Brock that?”

“Well, he wanted to know what in the hell I was thinking, so I told him.”

I covered my mouth and let out a chuckle. “We are going about this completely backward, you know that?”

Laughing, he took a bite of pizza. “I like being inside you bare, but if you want me to wear a condom, I will.”

I chewed nervously on my lip as I really thought about it. “I know the right response here is yes, I think you need to wear a condom. We’re just sorting through our own issues, and it would be foolish to bring in another player.”


“But . . . I don’t want you to. I’m on the pill. I say I stay on the pill, and we—”

“Keep having sex and working on us, and let fate decide our course?”

My heart raced slightly at his response. “So irresponsible.”

He winked. “Who gives a fuck?”

“Apparently not us. Then let’s address one more thing, since we’re walking down this path. If Olivia turns out to be yours, do you want to be a part of her life?”

“I wouldn’t mind, but I know she has a father, and from the sounds of it, they’re close. I don’t want to confuse her, but I would like to get to know her if she’s my daughter.”

“That’s fair.”

“What about you?”

“I would want her to be part of our world. It’s not her fault this is happening to her. My heart actually breaks for the poor little thing.”

“Yeah, mine does too.”

“So, we’ll deal with that when and if we need to?”


We both took a bite of pizza.