Everyone looked down at Blayze; then two sets of adult male eyes were on me.

“You all right, Kaylee?” Brad asked. Dirk wore a scowl and appeared ready to kick the person’s ass who had made me cry.

I rubbed the top of Blayze’s head. “Gosh, way to sell a girl out, there, Blayze,” I said, chuckling. “I’m fine, Brad. Honest. It was just a girly thing.”

He nodded. When I looked at Dirk, I could tell he clearly wasn’t convinced.

“Dad, you got this with Blayze? I think Kaylee and I need to exercise those two mares in there.”

Brad nodded. “I’ve got this. Blayze, let’s get on your helmet and have us some fun with the sheep.”

“Dirk, I’m fine, and I need to keep an eye on Blayze.”

“Dad’s got Blayze. Come on, girl.” He took my hand and pulled me toward the barn.

“Blayze, do you want me to stay?” I called back.

“Nah, girls make me nervous when they watch me. I need to perfect my sport without the pressure of a woman watching.”

My eyes widened, and I looked back at Dirk. “What in the hell did he just say, and when did he learn to use his words like that? Lincoln’s going to freak!”

Dirk let out a roar of laughter. “Apple didn’t fall far from the tree.”

I giggled. “I just said that to him not more than two minutes ago. That boy is exactly like his father.”

“Hearts will be breaking all over Hamilton when that kid gets older.”

I glanced back at Blayze and smiled. It was true. A mirror image of his daddy, he would certainly have the attention of girls everywhere.

The next thing I knew, I was saddling up a horse and climbing on.

Dirk and I rode in silence for a bit before he finally spoke. “You feel like talking about it?”

I scoffed. “Not really.”

“A guy?”

My head snapped to my left, and I laughed. “You automatically think I cried over a guy? How sexist of you.”

Dirk laughed. “Well, yeah. You’re a woman, and you chicks do shit like that.”

I rolled my eyes. “Well, not that I agree with you, but it was over a guy, and I had a moment of weakness. That’s all.”

“That guy wouldn’t happen to be Ty, would it?”

This time I was positive my eyes nearly bugged out of my head and my mouth dragged along the dirt path we rode on.

Dirk winked. “Your expression and lack of vocal response is my answer.”

“You think . . . me and Ty?”

He looked at me, his face serious. “Why do you think I always kept our relationship strictly in the friendship zone? I see the way Ty looks at you. I went down that road with Brock and Kaci once upon a time. I wasn’t about to do it again. I also figured at some point, Ty was going to get his head out of his ass and realize how much he liked you. He is a Shaw, though, and bound to fuck things up.”

I forced my eyes straight and stared at the trail in front of us for a few moments before I spoke. “There’s nothing between us, Dirk.”

“Okay. Do you want there to be something between the two of you?”

Our gazes met. “Ty’s not looking for a relationship. I understand that.”

I couldn’t stand the look in his eyes. It wasn’t pity, but it spoke volumes. He knew the truth, just like Lincoln did. I may have talked the talk, but that was about as far as it went. I was positive I had a sign above my head that blinked, I’VE FALLEN IN LOVE WITH TY SHAW.

“Kaylee, I need to let you know something. The real reason I’m here in town, and it has to do with Ty.”

He stopped his horse, which made me stop mine. “Is everything okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, but I don’t think what I’m about to tell you is going to make you very happy.”

My heart felt like it jumped to my throat. “Why would you say that?”

Dirk rubbed the back of his neck while he struggled with what to say. Finally, he came out and said it. “CBS wants to offer him a broadcasting position on the Unleash the Beast Tour. He’d be gone . . . a lot.”

“A broadcasting position?”

He nodded. “They asked once before, but he turned it down.”

“Why did he turn it down?”

Dirk shrugged. “Only he knows why. He said he wasn’t interested at the time. I think he was still dealing with not being able to ride, and the thought of being near it all was too painful. But with him being at the PBR World Finals last November and reconnecting with some folks, they want him again. They asked me to bring him the offer, thinking with me being friends with him, he might take it a bit more seriously and give it more thought.”