Oh God. I am going crazy.

“What time do I need to have him there?”

“Six, if that’s okay? Brad said he’d meet me down at the barn, but I called and told him you’d be bringing Blayze today, and not me and Brock.”

“Sure, that’s perfect.”

“Great!” Lincoln said as she bent down and held out her arms for Blayze. “Now, you have fun tonight with Aunt Kaylee, and you mind your manners.”

“Yes, Mama, I will.”

I smiled as I watched the two of them. Brock had begged Lincoln for a night on their own. She was hesitant at first, but with Morgan being two months old now, she was more willing to spend a few hours away from her. I was keeping Blayze for the night, and Stella and Ty Senior had Morgan.

I was almost positive that if I kept Morgan, my ovaries might send out an SOS to Ty—or any other hard and willing man, for that matter.

“I love you, little man,” Lincoln said, kissing Blayze on the cheek and then hugging him again. His little arms wrapped around her neck.

“I love you too. And don’t worry, I’m sure Aunt Kaylee will remember to feed me.”

Lincoln’s eyes shot up to look at me, a frown on her face. My hands went to my hips, and I stared at her with an open mouth.

“Seriously, Lincoln, it was one time I forgot to feed the kid! He lived!”

Blayze laughed while Lincoln rolled her eyes and stood. “You sure you’re okay? Do you want to talk some more?”

I glanced at the time on my watch, then smiled down at Blayze. “We need to make some dinner, then head on over to the Littlewoods’ place. I’m good. I just needed a cry, I think.”

She nodded and then stepped closer to me. She pulled me into her arms again.

“Wow, breastfeeding is working out for you!”

Lincoln laughed, then pulled back and winked. “Brock thinks so too.”

I snarled my lip. “You had to take it there, didn’t you?”

With a half shrug, Lincoln kissed Blayze once more and headed to her car. Glancing back at us, she waved her hand. “Bye, Blayze! See you tomorrow morning!”

“Have fun!” Blayze and I both said at once.

Once Lincoln drove off, Blayze and I faced each other. “Pizza and ice cream in town, and then mutton-busting practice?”

Blayze fist-pumped. “Yes! I love spending the night with you, Aunt Kaylee!”

Grinning, I took in a deep breath and proudly let it out in one whoosh. I may have been his only aunt, but I knew I was his favorite.

The moment I pulled up to the Littlewoods’ barn and put my car in park, Blayze was trying to jump out the door.

“Hey! Your helmet!” I called after him.

“Gosh dang it, that darn helmet,” Blayze said as he reached back into the car and grabbed his helmet.

“The apple didn’t fall far from the tree, I see.”

Blayze gave me a look that said he had no idea what that meant.

As we walked toward the corral, Blayze reached up and took my hand, causing a fluttering sensation to take hold in my stomach.

Brad stood there with a huge smile on his face. Too huge. Something was up.

Right at that moment, out from the barn appeared Dirk. Blayze dropped my hand and ran directly for him, jumping into his arms.

“Uncle Dirk!” he cried out as Dirk lifted him up and gave him a hug.

I couldn’t help the smile that grew across my face as I walked up to Brad. “Nice secret you kept there, Brad.”

He laughed. “Hell, the boy surprised me.”

I focused back on Dirk and Blayze. Dirk was currently handing something to Blayze. They were both looking at it intently.

When I first met Dirk Littlewood, I was taken by him, but not because he was handsome as hell with his dark hair and dreamy green eyes. I liked him because he was just a nice guy. A manwhore, but a nice guy who treated his friends with love and respect. Dirk was the type of guy who would drop everything to help out a friend.

Dirk hadn’t come home to Hamilton very often since Brock retired. I knew that bothered his folks, and his mother had said more than once she wished Dirk would follow in Brock’s footsteps and retire. I didn’t see that happening anytime soon. He was on a roll and seemed to have slipped right into the number one spot Brock had walked away from. From what I’d heard, Dirk was already on fire this season, and there was no way he would walk away when he was on top.

Then he looked over and saw me. He shook his head. “Damn, girl, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”

I laughed as he pulled me into his arms and spun me around before placing me back on solid ground.

“Aunt Kaylee was sad earlier and crying.”