“Mmm,” she said, moving more, grinding her pussy against my hard dick.

“Fuck it,” I said as I moved, pulling her body on top of mine.

Her eyes opened and our gazes locked. She was on me, her legs straddling me, her pussy pressed down on my hard-as-fuck cock.

I swallowed hard, not sure what in the hell I should do. Then she did the one thing I so desperately wanted her to do, and the one thing I so desperately needed her not to do.

She pressed harder against me, rocked herself on my dick, and pressed her mouth to mine.

Fucking hell.

My heart slammed against the wall of my chest. Her lips were as soft as I had remembered. She tasted like mint tea and honey. Our tongues moved slowly at first, until I lost control and laced my fingers in her blonde hair, deepening the kiss. Kaylee rocked faster, causing my cock to throb with the need to push inside her.

I pulled my mouth from hers. “Your tailbone.”

“Hurts like a bitch. Please don’t talk. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

Her mouth was back on mine; then her hand trailed down my chest and slipped inside my sweatpants.

If she touched me, so help me God, I was flipping her over and fucking her.

Then I heard a truck door shut and voices outside.

I pulled my mouth from Kaylee’s. “Someone’s here.”

Her hand instantly came out of my pants, and I carefully moved her to the side as I got off the sofa and went to look out the front window.

Fuck me. I was hard as a steel beam, wearing sweatpants, and my family was outside, interrupting our moment.

I wasn’t sure if I was pissed or happy as hell. I was leaning toward the first but knew the latter would be the better outcome. My father and Tanner were there, both of them looking at the part of the porch roof that was covering the steps.

I moved to the door and opened it, letting in a blast of cold air. “Well, if it isn’t the rescue squad!” I said, trying to make my voice even. On the inside, I was a fucking mess, though. I knew it would take months for this to fade from my memory, if it ever did.

With a quick look to my left, I saw Kaylee sitting on the sofa, a blanket wrapped around her body and a look on her face that nearly made me fall to my knees. She slowly stood. Our eyes met, and I couldn’t tell if what I was seeing was regret, embarrassment, or hurt. All I knew was, I was the cause of it . . . again.

I’d let my weakness for her take control and nearly made a decision I knew we would both regret. Or at least one of us would. The moment she found out how wrong I was for her, she’d wish it would have never happened.

“My dad and Tanner are here.”

Kaylee forced a smile and nodded as she walked past me, still in obvious pain, and up the stairs, not saying a word.

If I had thought that night at the bar had been hard, this was a thousand times worse, because in my heart, I had wanted to be with her more than I had ever wanted anything in my life.

Chapter Twelve


One month later

I stood in the middle of the pasture outside the high school with fifteen high school students, all of them focused completely on me. I was grateful for the mild weather today, a balmy sixty degrees, which meant the kids were all out here in jeans and T-shirts, and I still had on a jacket.

“Bull management and nutrition is essential in the development of bulls, especially bulls being bred to perform in the PBR.”

Hank Williams raised his hand. I liked this kid—he was named after one of my favorite singers, after all—but he was starting to wear my patience thin today.

“What about fertility?” Hank asked. “The bull has to play a major role in that?”

I nodded. “Yes, but today we are talking about nutrition. Not the bulls . . .”

My voice trailed off.

“Having sex?” Katelyn Murphy added with a giggle.

That made them all laugh. Crossing my arms over my chest, I couldn’t help but notice that two of the girls, Missy and Gina, were staring at me. I was pretty damn sure they’d signed up for this class only to ogle me. I was really hoping they would move their attention to Ron, the ripped senior football player who I knew for a fact had a thing for Gina but was too shy to ask her out.

“Are you all done going through puberty? Can we move on?”

The timer on my phone went off right then, alerting me that it was time to send them all back to the campus. This was an off-site program. Once a month I met with the kids during their last period, which was their 4-H class. I knew Mr. Haven appreciated the break, and I was pretty positive he and Ms. Perry, the senior English teacher, were hooking up and taking advantage of the forty-minute time slot with no students. It was, after all, Ms. Perry’s off period.