I frowned at the thought. Hadn’t he almost kissed me earlier? And what about his issues with Channing? Because thinking I was with another guy had clearly bothered him.

Ugh. I needed to stop with all of this. Why did I let my emotions get so out of whack around this man?

“I mean, if it makes you uncomfortable, then you don’t have to. I understand,” I said, giving him an out, although reluctantly.

He frowned at me and released an exhale before turning away. That was the Ty I was used to. The one who frowned, scoffed, rolled his eyes. He was back. It had taken a bit longer for him to show up, but I knew eventually he’d be here.

I moved toward the sofa and carefully sat down, wincing at the pain. I tucked the pillow between my legs and lay on my side so that I could feel the heat of the fireplace on my face. I willed my breathing to be normal and steady. I didn’t hear any movement from Ty, and I wasn’t about to open my eyes and look. For all I knew, he’d taken me up on my offer and was on the floor already, sound asleep.

It seemed like an eternity before I finally heard him move. My curiosity would be the death of me: I opened an eye to peek, only to see him sitting in the chair, gazing into the fire. He looked as lost and confused as I felt.

I closed my eyes and prayed that when morning came, Tanner or Brock would have cleared a path and Ty could leave right away.

I needed him to leave. For my own sanity, I needed him gone.

Chapter Eleven


I knew the moment she finally fell asleep. Her breathing slowed and evened out, and her body relaxed. I could see her perfectly, the light from the fire casting a beautiful glow that seemed to make her even more stunning, if that was possible.

My gut ached as her words replayed in my head.

“I mean, if it makes you uncomfortable, then you don’t have to. I understand.”

I hadn’t said anything in reply. Not a damn word. I watched her get settled on the sofa and stood there like a complete idiot. I’d almost kissed her earlier and then pretended it hadn’t happened. Then again, so had she. But what had she meant about the guy she wanted to move on with not wanting her? I knew she wasn’t talking about Channing; I saw the way that asshole looked at her. He’d climb into her bed in a heartbeat if given the chance.

My fingers jerked through my hair as I took in a deep breath and then slowly blew it out. I focused on the fire, unable to sleep. The early morning was knocking on the door, and I prayed like hell that Brock or Tanner would be making his way to Kaylee’s place once the sun came up.

Kaylee moaned, causing me to look over at her. She pulled the quilt up farther, then trembled.

“Fuck,” I whispered as I stood and put another log on. Then I carefully made my way onto the sofa, making sure I didn’t bump her tailbone.

It was like she knew I was there. Once I was lying down, I started to pull her body to mine to warm her up. She rolled over, facing me on the sofa.

Why in the hell did she have such a deep fucking couch?

Her hands went to my chest, and I stilled. The corners of those pretty little lips of hers rose into a smile, and she whispered my name.


It sounded more like a plea than anything else. Then she nestled in closer, her body pressed against mine. She was still asleep and had no idea what she was doing to me.

My cock instantly reacted when she threw her leg over mine. If I pulled her closer, my dick would be pressed against her pelvis. I closed my eyes and prayed for strength, or prayed for her to realize what she was doing and put some more distance between our bodies.

Her hand gripped my T-shirt, and she moaned.

I closed my eyes and fought for breath. This woman had no fucking idea how hard it was to keep my hands off her. One touch, one kiss, and I knew I would lose all self-control.

Then she moved closer, and my cock pressed into her, making her hips move against me. I was seriously regretting my decision to not put my boxers back on. I fought to stay still, to not press into her heat.

Then she moved again.

Holy shit. She was trying to get on top of me.

“Kaylee,” I whispered. “Please wake up.”

The feel of her body pressed to mine was seriously fucking with my mind. I wanted her like I had never wanted anything in my entire life.