When I got back into the house, I shook the snow off, removed my jacket and boots, and made my way to the guest bathroom to change. I was ready to get out of these jeans and into some more comfortable clothes. Sleeping in the living room wasn’t looking so bad after all, now that I knew I wouldn’t have to wear my jeans.

As soon as I got into the bathroom, I slipped out of my jeans and tossed them to the side, then removed my boxers. Kaylee had some of those little wipes, so I thought I might as well clean myself up a bit before getting dressed again.

Reaching behind my back, I pulled the shirt over my head and dropped it next to my jeans. I grabbed a couple of wipes and started to clean off my body . . . but my damn mind betrayed me once again. I couldn’t help but think back to Kaylee in here and those pink panties right there in my face—

The door to the bathroom swung open, and Kaylee walked in, quickly coming to a stop when she saw me. Standing there. Naked. With a few wipes in each of my hands.

“Wh-what . . . why . . . what’s . . .” Her gaze drifted down. “Oh, my . . . okay, wow.”

Her eyes were now locked on my cock, which had already started to come to life from my dirty thoughts only seconds ago. He appeared to really like having her eyes on him, so he decided to amp up his game a bit. I almost passed out from all the blood rushing directly to my dick.

Traitorous bastard.

“Is that a bad wow, or a ‘Holy shit, you’re the biggest I’ve seen’ wow?”

My voice pulled her eyes off my dick and to my mouth, then up to my eyes. “What? Oh my gosh, you really are an asshole, ya know. Why are you holding wipes in your hands?”

“I was cleaning myself off. What did you think I was doing with them? Did your perverted mind have other ideas?” I looked at her and smirked.

She looked down at the wipes in my hands and quickly zipped her gaze back to mine. Then she frowned and looked pissed off. “Nothing . . . I, um . . . that’s actually a good idea.”

“I do come up with them every now and then.”

Kaylee stood there, staring at me.

I leaned my head a little toward her. “Kaylee, was there a reason you just walked into the bathroom?”

“Um, I don’t really remember why I came in here.”

There was no way I could stop the smirk, nor did I want to. “Maybe you want to strip naked, too, and clean yourself off. We could help each other out, ya know. I wash your back, you wash mine.” I couldn’t help it. I had to go there and watch her get flustered.

Even in the dim light, I could see her cheeks had turned as red as a tomato, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“You wish,” she spat back.

“Probably for the best, since your boyfriend wouldn’t like that, now would he?”

Her mouth opened to say something, but then she shut it. A slow smirk moved across her face. “Are you jealous of Channing?”

The fact that she hadn’t denied she was seeing him did something to me. A painful squeezing sensation nearly took my breath away. I grabbed my sweats and pulled them on.

“Are you not putting underwear on?” she asked, complete shock lacing her voice. God, I was enjoying this little encounter more than I should.

“No,” I said as I reached into my bag and pulled out a T-shirt. I slipped it on before I reached for my jeans and the other shirt and stuffed them into the bag. As I walked out of the bathroom, I stopped and looked at her. “And to answer your earlier question, no, I’m not jealous of Channing. You make a good couple.”

Her mouth opened slightly; then she licked her lips and pressed them tightly shut. She stepped out of my way.

“If you need help using the bathroom, let me know.”

I headed into the living room and dropped my bag at the front door, then reached for my phone on the coffee table and pulled up Tanner’s number. I sent him a quick text, thankful to see it went through.

Me: Do you think you could get into the plow and make a road for me to get the fuck home?

Tanner: Dude, have you seen it outside? It’s a blizzard. Where are you?

Me: Stuck at Kaylee’s house.

The bastard sent me a text back that was six or seven laughing faces, and maybe a GIF—or ten—of different people falling over in laughter.

Me: You’re dead to me.

Tanner: Man, I needed that laugh. Well, if you two can’t work out the shit between you now when you’re stuck together in a storm, you never will.