Chapter 12
Liam had been helped by an old pair of fishermen. They had given him food, some clothing, and directions to the palace.
“It was a good thing that you had told me about your past or we would never have found each other,” he says as he gets dressed again. I admire the way he looks in a pair of breeches. Who knew that 1400s clothing could be so attractive?
“All I could think about was that I had to get to Windsor. I knew somehow that you would be here waiting for me.”
I can’t do anything but smile thinking about the fact that he had been listening to me, even if he hadn’t believed me at first. I guess there was no better way to prove your point then having the person see it first-hand.
“So... Did you reunite with James?” he asks, a hint of vulnerability in his tone.
I shift back and forth nervously. It was a strange thing to talk to one of your lovers about another one, one that was previously not a threat since he had been gone for centuries.
“Yes, I did,” I answer softly.
“Was this a goodbye sort of sentiment?” he asks, gesturing to the ground where the grass has been trampled, evidence of our earlier passion.
“I can’t choose,” I tell him. “It’s not possible.”
“Then what are you going to do” he asks. “I can’t imagine sharing you. But I also can’t imagine being without you if you were with someone else.”
“Before I found you, I had been in the village. I was talking to a gypsy who claims to know my mother...and about what I am.”
“What you are?”
I nod. The next half hour is spent telling him Isabelle’s story, about how my soul is possibly splintered and residing with each of my men.
He’s quiet as I tell him everything. It’s fantastical, and I fear that I’m going to get the same reaction to this story as he gave me with my other story about my past.
“I wouldn’t believe it if I hadn’t experienced it,” he finally says.
“Experienced it?”
“When I was separated from you and found myself all alone in that village. It felt like I was dying, like I was missing my heart. It’s why it took me so long to get here because it took me several days before I could even handle the pain long enough to move for any amount of time. It didn’t resolve until I saw you on that path,” he says, taking my hands in his and staring down at me.
I think for a moment and realize that I do feel lighter, more whole with his presence. And it’s not just the relief of two reunited lovers. It actually feels like I’ve somehow become more with his return.
“So, what now?” I ask.
“Now, we go get your King,” he says with a grin.
My heart feels like it’s going to burst.
* * *
We’re just aboutto walk back on the path when I can hear the sound of something flying through the air.
Liam lets out a roar of pain as he falls to his knees. I cry out when I see a long arrow sticking out of his shoulder.
I look around for a threat and gasp when I see a group of royal soldiers marching towards us, grim looks on their faces.
I kick and I scream. I plead with everything that I have. But nothing stops them from unexplainably taking a wounded Liam with them as I watch in horror. I can’t even get a reassuring look from Liam as he has passed out from blood loss and pain.
I feel nothing when my legs weaken and crumble beneath me, taking me to the ground. The slap of my hands on the rocky ground barely registers. My breath punches forward too fast and may verge on hyperventilation, but I can’t stop it. I knew James was jealous. But I never knew he could be capable of something like this.
“Hey, hey, hey,” comes a voice. I look up warily and see Richard, James’ best friend and advisor rushing towards me from out of the woods.
His quick steps turn into a slide on his knees until we’re face to face. He tips my chin and our gazes lock. I’ve never studied his eyes before now. They’re a true brown, no hint of any color. Black shards spike from the pupil as if to prove there’s an inherent sorrow he constantly battles.