"It's a little late to try and blow smoke up my arse, don't you think?" he said, imperiously.

I thought for a moment, and then just shrugged.

"It was worth a try," I said wryly, my mouth falling open when he let out a sharp bark of surprise that quickly turned into laughter.

"Why in the world did you decide to sneak into my lands?" he asked, still watching me amused as I began to walk to where I knew the King's prized apple trees were located. I had come this far. Might as well finish.

"I think the better question is, why would I not?" I told him, mocking him with my best impression of his princely airs.

He followed along behind me silently although I could feel his entertained gaze locked on me as I walked.

I couldn't believe that I was really doing this. Although my tone suggested that I wasn't afraid, in reality I was worried at any moment that he would call for the guards to drag me away to the dungeons. I obviously had a very active imagination.

We finally arrived at the apple orchard, and I began to lift my skirt around my knees, so I could start climbing.

"What are you doing?" he asked in disbelief.

"I can't exactly wish the apples into my hands, now can I?" I told him, trying to get a foothold in one of the knobs of the trunk.

"Oh my gosh. I'll get it for you. Get down you foolish girl," he said exasperatedly, walking towards the tree while pushing up his sleeves.

He brushed a lock of his rich brown hair that was liberally streaked with blonde out of his face, and grabbed the tree firmly, the muscles in his forearms clenching distractingly. I might have just been discovering the merits of boys, but he was quite good-looking even in my inexperienced opinion.

Without thinking I pulled on his arm and he almost toppled down on me.

"What are you doing?" he asked impatiently.

"Are you even allowed to climb trees?" I asked him worriedly. "I mean if you fall, then I for sure will end up in the dungeons."

He let out another laugh. "What are you talking about?"

I put my hands on my hips frustratedly.

"The dungeon. Where you keep all the people who annoy you locked up."

At that comment he let out another laugh that was so loud and exuberant that I couldn't help but laugh with him.

He wiped at his eyes. "We aren't going to throw a little girl into the dungeons," he says, amusement still threaded throughout his voice.

My hackles rose at his use of "little girl."

"I'll have you know I'm fourteen years old," I tell him, pushing him aside to resume climbing the tree.

"Forgive me, my lady," he says with a deep, mocking bow. "You are quite the grown woman."

I growl down at him and continue to climb the tree until one of the prized apples is just within reach. I take a tentative step out onto a weaker looking branch, stretching my arm out as far as I can to grab the apple. One more step has me finally able to touch it.

With a loud crack, the branch beneath me gives way and I find myself falling through the air down to where I will certainly break something this time.

"Oomph," comes the Prince's voice as I crash into his hard body.

We both fall to the ground, and I lay there stunned for a moment before realizing the apple sits unharmed in my hand.

"Got it," I tell him triumphantly, holding it up.

He stares at me with a shocked look before he starts laughing again. His laugh makes my stomach feel fluttery and I know that I'm definitely going to have a crush on the Prince after this encounter.

"What's your name?" he asks after we both sit up.