"I would like you to agree to be my wife," he says, watching me closely for my reaction. When I open my mouth in shock, he hurriedly continues. "I know you don't love me yet, but in time maybe you could. I would do everything to make you happy. I'm not wealthy, but we would be comfortable. I feel a connection to you, that I haven't had with anyone else, and I'm tired of being alone. I think we could be good together," he says, staring at me intently.

My mouth drops open. Did he really just ask me to marry him? We don't even know each other. It's preposterous.

But just as I say that, I wonder if it really is so crazy. He doesn't love me, so when I inevitably disappear it wouldn't be terrible. I wouldn't have to live in town anymore where everyone dissected and gossiped about my every move. And I'm so lonely. So utterly and completely lonely.

"I need to think about it," I say hesitantly. My answer makes his eyes light up.

"So, you're not saying no?" he says, hope shining through his voice.

I can't help but smile at his eagerness. It's charming and naive, and I like the sound of it.

"I'm not saying no," I agree, feeling like it wouldn't be so bad to dedicate my life to making this man happy.

We're quiet as we walk back to the Smiths' home. He gives me a tentative kiss on the cheek, and then bids me farewell.

I walk into the chaos of the Smiths' home, their two children Brigitta and Samuel are chasing each other around the living room. Mrs. Smith looks up from her sewing, her lips pinched in displeasure still at the fact that I was alone with Gabriel today.

"It's time for the children to go to bed," she says to me stiffly, and I nod, and shuffle the two heathens up the stairs. I was lucky that I was able to get time off today from the store and nannying in the first place.

I wrestle them both to bed, and then assure Mrs. Smith that I will be up to work in the store first thing in the morning. Afterwards, I go to my little bedroom and lay on my hard, stiff mattress, restless with my thoughts.

I think of Gabriel's sparkling, blue eyes, the shy but hopeful way he proposed marriage.

My life has been a litany of storms. I've been running for what feels like forever. But when I think of his little cottage on the edge of the sea, it's like the clouds part, and the sun comes out. What if I could finally be at peace there?

The idea of it plagues me the rest of the night and all through the next day. Gabriel doesn't stop by, I'm sure trying to give me time to mull over his offer.

After a long day at the store, I sneak away from the house, and find myself walking along the sea not far from Gabriel's home.

The wind is ferocious today, whipping my hair into my face, and churning the ocean under its power.

Looking out at the raging water beneath me, I wonder how I became this person. Did I once have a passion? Did I once have a dream to be more than what I was now? Would I always be made up of the broken pieces of a past that I couldn't escape? Would I always hurt? Or would accepting this sweet man's proposal give me the freedom to escape everything that haunted me? Could the gentle kindness and silent strength that I saw in Gabriel empower my new beginning? I close my eyes and listen to the sound of the wind roaring around me.

I decide to say yes.

Not wanting to wait any longer to tell him, I walk the rest of the way to Gabriel's cottage. I hear the heavy blow of an anvil, and I follow the sound to Gabriel's workshop where he's hard at work. I stand there watching him for a moment. Sweat beads on his brow, and the strong line of his muscles bunch and pull with exertion as he works. It definitely won't be a burden to have to look at him every day.

He finally looks up from his work and gives a start when he sees me standing in the doorway.

"Juliet? What are you doing here?" he asks, hope and fear at war in his gaze.

"I've made my decision," I tell him nervously, thinking for the first time he could have changed his mind since we last spoke. "That is, if the offer still stands."

"You're saying yes?" he asks, disbelief heavy in his voice.

I laugh and nod.

"Whoop!" he yells, surprising me by picking me up and spinning me around. He flashes me a jaw-dropping smile that makes me weak in the knees. It's contagious and before I know it, we're both laughing with happiness and shock that this is actually happening.

He finally sets me down, and then takes my hand in his. "I'm going to make you the happiest girl in the world," he says, pressing my hand to his heart.

The emotion in his voice makes me uncomfortable, and I feel my walls come up. I slowly drag my hand away from his. He looks disappointed but says nothing about the change in my demeanor.

We walk back to the Smiths' house where I announce that I'll be marrying Gabriel much to their astonishment. When they ask when the event is happening, I look over at him, forgetting that we haven't discussed a date.

"Tomorrow?" he asks, a curl in his lip as he waits for my reaction.

Having thrown myself into this impulsive, crazy idea, I shock myself by shaking my head in agreement.