Covering my chest in embarrassment, I turn away. "Maybe I should go home," I say, and he clears his throat.

"Sorry for ruining the evening," he tells me disappointedly.

"You're really apologizing? You do remember dinner?" I point out. I feel him behind me, and my breath hitches when he lays his sports coat over my shoulders.

I feel him touch a lock of my hair, and his warm breath on my neck causes my heart to pitter patter harder for the thousandth time of the night. He takes a step back, and I immediately feel the loss of him.

"I don't think I will be forgetting dinner for a very long time," he says laughingly in answer to the question I had forgotten I asked thanks to his close proximity. I turn and give him a playful push before we start our walk back to his car.

Standing in front of my door, all of my plans fly out the window. I feel a desperation to make sure I see him again.

"Can we try again tomorrow night?" I ask, regretting the words as soon as they fly out of my mouth.

He seems surprised by my question, but then his eyes light up with pure pleasure.

"What time do you get off your shift tomorrow?" he asks.


"Well then I'll see you at 4:30," he says, brushing a kiss across my cheek that makes my heart gallop once again.

I enter my apartment and close the door after me. Leaning against it, I bang my head backwards several times, wanting to knock some sense into myself. First, I try to get rid of him, then I decide to make him want me, then I find myself wanting him. What is wrong with me?

Will Darling

The next day I'm anxious and moody throughout my shift. I change my mind hourly, and debate whether I'm going to sneak out early to avoid seeing him.

Four thirty rolls around though, and I find myself walking outside, anticipation building in my veins. I stop short when I see that Will is standing there having an intense looking conversation with Trina. I feel the thick knot of jealousy slice through my abdomen at the sight of them together. When she reaches out to touch his arm, I feel the insane urge to rip her away from him.

My reaction is ludicrous. How is it that for years I've been immune to desire, and at the first sight of this gorgeous, playboy, I'm driveling like a hormonal teenager? It makes no sense.

He runs his hands through his hair in frustration and looks away from whatever Trina is saying to him. Our eyes connect, just as I turn to walk away.

"Juliet," he calls out happily, leaving Trina, to jog towards me. I don't miss the pang of envy that Trina throws our way as she watches him approach me.

I forget all about her when our eyes meet. A feeling I had forgotten about builds inside of me. That feeling, like we were separated years ago, and our reunion took too long to occur. I find myself not wanting to miss a breath, or a word, or a smile.

Again, what is wrong with me?

I hold out my hand like we're just meeting, and I let out a small gasp when even a handshake lets out a set of sparks that send me reeling. There's a lump that builds in my throat when his thumb starts drawing warm circles on my skin. We stand there staring, the rest of the world fading away. I find myself wondering what he sees when he looks at me.

Unexpectedly, he pulls me into a hug. I can't help but take advantage of the moment, pressing my nose into the pure, male musk present in the curve of his neck. His smell makes my body tingle in all of the right places. When I pull away, I feel lightheaded, and he has to steady me for a moment.

"Ready to go?" he asks, his voice husky with pleasure.

"Ready," I answer.

After a short drive to another beach overlook sight, we park and get out of the car. I gasp when I see the view of the Golden Gate Bridge we have. He pulls a few sandwiches out of a basket he brought with him, and we chat comfortably about random things. His little interlude with Trina sticks in my head though, and I finally have to ask him about it.

"What's the deal with you and Trina?" I ask nervously. "She's said a lot of...a lot of rather unflattering things about you."

He gazes out at the bridge and sighs before returning his attention to me.

"I assume that's why you hated me on sight the other night," he says wryly.

"Maybe not on sight," I say, blushing.

"I'm going to be honest with you. I was married before."