"That's him," she says, squeezing my arm tightly in what appears to be a mix of nervousness and anger.

"Who?" I ask absentmindedly, bringing my now half full drink up to my lips.

I look up to see who she's talking about, and my body stills, breathing forgotten. Whoever this man is, he's absolutely gorgeous. I'm in a trance, a butterfly caught in a spider's web, no way to escape. Elegant, yet sculpted, he fills the seams of his soldier's uniform with radiating sexuality.

His jaw is perfectly chiseled, softened only by a slight indent. Full lips, perfect teeth, and dimples...I couldn't have dreamed up a more attractive package if I tried.

I've been so overcome with grief that I haven't felt an ounce of attraction towards anyone that I've met since Landon. It's bodes poorly for me that I'm feeling it in spades right now.

"That's Will Darling," Trina says vehemently, but despite her tone, I can see the longing in her eyes. I look at her surprised. I've never heard Trina sound angry about anything.

"Why are you so angry?" I ask, forcing myself not to look at the object in question.

"I slept with him for a month. I thought it was getting serious, and then I found out that at least five other girls also thought they were getting serious with him."

"So you broke up with him?" I ask, sensing there's more to the story.

"No," she says in an ashamed, heartbroken voice. "I told him I didn't care and that I would stick it out until he knew what he wanted. He slept with me one more time, and then never called again."

I tentatively pat her shoulder, trying to offer some comfort. I'm out of practice being a good friend. Looking around at the other girls, they either don't know Trina's story, or they don't care, judging by the way they are giggling and fluttering their eyelashes in this man's direction. I hope for Trina's sake that she never told them, and they aren't actually terrible friends.

The girls' ministrations must work, because Will Darling chooses this moment to look over at our little group. Despite my disgust at the story Trina just told me, I feel the need to fan myself when I get a glimpse of his eyes. They're a dazzling blue color framed by rows of dark lashes so long that any girl would envy them. He has thick brown hair with glorious waves throughout it. Images of me sinking my fingers in his hair in the throes of passion has me holding on to the bar with one hand to steady myself. What in the world is happening to me?

He peruses our group, a look of recognition in his eyes for some, a glint of lust for others. It's not until he gets to me that he stops. A cheshire cat grin flashes across his face, like he's the hunter and I'm the prey he has in his sights. His eyes hold me in a hypnotic spell while he studies my face and hair intently. One of his fellow soldiers says something to him, and he shifts his attention away, allowing me to finally breathe normally again.

Relieved, I turn around to face the bar, gulping down my drink and asking for another. Trina's giving me a little bit of a side eye, obviously having seen my interlude with the cad.

"Excuse me," comes an attractive voice behind me that puts every nerve in my body on high alert.

I know exactly who is standing behind me, and I'm not sure I'm equipped to handle this.

I turn around slowly and find myself having to look up. Will Darling is tall, so tall that I have to crane my neck to see his face. Once I catch sight of those eyes, I avert my gaze, letting them trail to his uniform. Before I know it, I find myself going lower until I'm staring at muscled thighs that are evident even through the dark tan slacks of his uniform. I intentionally avert my gaze from the bulge that lies just a bit higher.

He clears his throat and I blink, before finding my way back up to his face. He flashes me a smile that momentarily blinds me. Bloody hell, James and Landon were beautiful men, but Will Darling...he's easily the most attractive man that I've ever seen in any of my lives.

"Hello there, gorgeous," he says in a husky tone that sends shivers down my spine despite the corniness of the line.

All I'm able to do is nod stiffly. I can feel Trina watching us raptly next to me. It reminds me that this man has the audacity to stand in front of me to assumedly try and pick me up, while I'm standing next to the girl he threw away like yesterday's trash.

"I'm Will," he says, in the haughty, cocky tone of a man that is used to having women fall at his feet.

"Alright?" I say to him, trying to give him my best "bugger off."

His eyes widen a bit in surprise that I'm not immediately jumping on his invitation. Obviously, he missed me practically fainting when I first saw him.

"What's your name?" he says, trying again.

"Not interested," I reply, sipping my drink slowly. I hear Trina choke beside me, and the noise catches Will's attention. Although I'm gratified to see him briefly grimace when he sees Trina, the reaction all but solidifies that what Trina told me about him was true. For reasons I don't want to examine closely, I feel a pang of loss at that affirmation that he's not worth my time.

When he opens his mouth to try once again, I've had enough. I hand him my drink and then walk away, setting my sights on one of the soldiers that I saw Will talking to.

"Dance with me?" I ask in what I hope is a flirtatious way.

The poor man chokes on his drink, not used to attention I suppose. He's handsome, in a California surfer way, but he pales in comparison to Will. He really needs to find a new friend group where his assets won't always be compared to the god among men that is Will Darling.

A slow song comes on right as we get out on the dance floor. The soldier, whose name is John, pulls me awkwardly into his arms. As we dance, I get steered so that Will is in my immediate view. He's leaning against the bar, ignoring the hordes of girls (which unfortunately includes Trina as well) who are trying to get his attention. His brow is furrowed, and there's a challenging feeling in his gaze as he stares at me. The intensity of his stare causes a flush to spread all across my chest like a wildfire. I have to look away to center myself.

I try to focus on whatever John is saying as we dance, but the fact that it feels like there's a line of electricity connecting myself to Will is a bit distracting. Those eyes, it's as if he's digging into my soul.