Page 30 of The Sins of Silence

His face went from smiling to a small frown when I said that. “And we are missing it,” he mumbled.

I blew out a breath. “Yeah,” I muttered. “It’s a shame Thomas and Lauren can’t move out here.”

“The gang back together.” He grinned. “That’d be amazing, wouldn’t it?”

I nodded my head at him. “Anyway,” I said, getting us back on topic. “I told Lauren about Isobel. That she and I were together.” He waved his hand for me to continue. “She got weird. She seemed taken aback when I said that I wanted her to come with me back to London for a visit.”

“Do you think she knows that it was a visit?” he asked me with a raised eyebrow. “Or does she think that you were not so eloquently saying that you were moving back and that you would be going and take her with you?”

I frowned at him. “No. I mean…” I waved my hands at him in a‘what the fuck’manner. “I was pretty clear that it’d be a visit.”

“Are you sure?” He looked at me as he cleaned the glass like I was a moron. “Or do you just think you made it clear? It was your home once. It’d make sense if she thought you’d be going home to stay, especially with your medication supply being limited.”

I stared at him for a moment before I pushed the plate back and stood. “I’m going to…” I pointed my thumb over my shoulder and quickly left Luke, running for the stairs, not in the mood to wait for the elevator. I couldn’t have my girl thinking I was that much of an asshole hat I’d be dictating what would be happening in her life.

Fuck, did she really think I was that much of an asshole?

I walked across the lobby and saw her sitting at the Reception desk next to Chrissie.

Her face lit up when she saw me. “Hey, baby.”

I walked around the desk, not stopping until I was grabbing her hand. “I need you.” I tugged on her hand, gesturing for her to stand.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” she asked concerned.

“I need to talk to you.” I darted my eyes at the door to the back office. “Please?” I begged her.

She glanced at Chrissie and a silent communication passed between them, the way it often did with Thomas, Luke and I. “Go.” She nodded her head to the door. “No funny business mind.”

On a normal day, Isobel would have had a cheeky comeback but she just appeared worried. She nodded at Chrissie and stood up, leading me to the office. “What’s going on?” she asked as she gently closed the solid oak door.

I didn’t hesitate. I reached for her and pushed her up against the door, holding her there with my body. I ducked my head and began kissing up her neck.

She moaned before I felt her place her hands on the sides of my jacket and tried to push me back. “We can’t do that here, baby.”

I slumped over her. I don’t know why this little woman had so much fucking power over me. She could send me from calm to lust-crazed with just one look. “I’m sorry,” I muttered. “I didn’t drag you in for that.”

“What did you drag me in here for?” She pulled me closer by my jacket and moved her body closer to mine.

I stared down at her and lifted her up in my arms. I expected a squeal of surprise but instead, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and bent her legs, so her feet were dangling behind her. I walked her over to the desk and placed her ass down on the desk before I stepped in between her legs.

“I wanted to talk to you about our call with Lauren.” I kept my gaze on her eyes and I fucking hated it when she immediately ducked her head to avoid my gaze. “Don’t do that.” I grabbed her chin and forced her eyes back to mine.

“I don’t want to talk about it. I’ll deal with it.”

“Deal with what?” I asked. “Me going back to London?” She just stared at me. “Or you staying here?”

She frowned at me and I could feel myself starting to become impatient at her lack of words. “My life is here, Christopher. I… I can’t just up and leave and stay in London and—”

“Woah,” I said, cutting her off. “Stay in London? What made you think I wanted to stay in London?” I stepped back and thread my fingers through my hair which I tended to do if I was agitated. “Did you think I was dictating where we would be living?”

“No, I just…” She hesitated. “I wanted to talk about it, about where you wanted to set down roots but I know you need to be a citizen here for your medication and I didn’t want you to think I was trying to trap you into staying here and choosing me over your life there and I…”

“Sweetheart.” I stepped forward and took her face in my hands. “You’re rambling.”

She chuckled before she blew out a breath. Her shoulders drooped and I could see the tension ease from her shoulders.

“So, first thing. I need to go back and refill my prescription. Otherwise, our nights of me sleeping next to you will have to be put on hold.”