Page 28 of The Sins of Silence

When I found out he’d come to keep me company and ensure I was okay I sighed in relief, allowing the wave of calmness to take hold. Freddie was too good to me, a constant that I couldn’t be without, someone to lean on when I needed him, no matter when that was.

I was furious when Freddie filled me in that he’d found Christopher’s medication sealed and unopened. My petite hands balled up into fists as I gritted my teeth and began to pace the length of the room. What idiocy had made him decide to tackle PTSD alone unmedicated? I felt the anger bubbling inside of me but I needed Christopher back in my arms, safe and secure before I raised hell with him. I didn’t care how Luke did it but he had to bring him back to me.

The moment the apartment door opened and I saw him, my chest exploded with relief that he was here. The moment I took in Christopher’s crestfallen face, everything changed within me. My chest became tight as I realized the pain he must be in. My soldier boy was hurting and I knew I needed to help him.

“Thank you,” I mouthed silently to Luke the moment he and Freddie walked away, leaving the pair of us alone. I don’t know if he heard me but the sentiment was there. I would make sure Luke and Freddie knew how much I appreciated what they had done for us. No matter what it took.

I let Christopher hold me, allowed him to take my strength and use it as his own whilst he wrapped his arms around me and held me close.

“I didn’t think you’d let me in…” Christopher began. “I thought you’d turn me away. Luke said…”

I pulled back and gazed into his eyes. The pain mirrored within them froze any anger I was feeling immediately. I reached for his hand and led him over to the sofa, wanting him to be comfortable.

“Isobel. I just want to say.”

“Shhh….” I placed a finger over his lips as I angled my body to face his. “Christopher, it’s okay.”

“I thought I hurt you.” He dipped his head as I reached for his chin with my forefinger and thumb, lifting it back up to catch my gaze as he swallowed harshly. “I thought you’d yell at me and scream. That you’d say we’re over.”

“Christopher…” I whispered. I leaned forward and kissing the corner of his mouth. “I was scared and uncertain but do you think that would push me away? I’m not a woman who runs and cowers, soldier boy, I stand up and fight formyman. So, you have demons. Granted, ones that are scarier than most people but do you know what?” I ran my hand up and down his thigh as his tongue peeped out and wet his lip. “You have me. You have medication to help make your life easier and together, the pieces will all fit together to help make you whole again. Do you understand?”

“I do,” Christopher muttered. He covered my hand with his and gave it a quick squeeze. “I need to take my medication. Not just for me, but for us.”

“That’s right because I promise you, I’ll be right by your side.”

“It’s just hard…. I feel like this different person,” Christopher replied. “If I’d met you before all this then maybe…”

“Maybe what? You think I’d have been okay watching you go off into battle while I stay here worrying?” I asked in shock. “Christopher, you’re right. You’re different but that’s what makes you perfect. The way you are makes you realize how important life is, that you can’t take what’s in front of you for granted. You can’t takeusfor granted.”


“I want you, every part of you. The good, the bad and the damn ugly bits because each of them combined together makes my soldier boy,my man.” I sobbed, pulling him into my arms as I kissed him fervently, trying to make him understand.

“I understand, pretty girl. You’re mine, too,” he whispered against my lips, making my body sink into his embrace, a sense of fulfillment taking hold.

* * *

We spent the next twenty-four hours talking through every worry and concern that his PTSD had thrown at him and we were wide awake for the next day ahead. It was as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders as he headed into the kitchen and brought in a simple breakfast of toast and coffee.

“Sorry. You’ll learn I’m a simplistic kind of guy.” He bent down, moving my hair from my face as he gave me a morning kiss before taking a seat next to me. “I can burn most things.”

“Really? That’s a talent in its own right,” I joked, tapping his hard muscular chest and raising my brow at him. “I’m sure I can teach you a few tricks. I’m not saying I’m the best though but I’ve been told I make a mean breakfast sandwich.”

“And who exactly would say that?” Christopher growled. “Huh?” He moved his hands on either side of me, staring at me with fire in his eyes, making me chuckle. “It’s not funny.”

“Jealousy is funny to see on you, Christopher.” He opened his mouth to ask again but I quickly continued. “Freddie and Chrissie.” I rolled my eyes as he reached for a slice of toast before he sank back in the chair. “Come on you. I have an idea. Eat up.”

I stood up and bent over, wiggling my ass in the air as I reached for my laptop from beneath the coffee table.

“Christopher!” I squealed the minute he reached for my hips and pulled me backwards onto his lap. He ground his hard length against my ass as he nuzzled my neck. “You’ll ruin my surprise…”

“We could always rearrange it. I’m sure whatever it is can wait.” He circled his erection against my ass again, making my breath hitch. “I’m sure I could make it worth your while.”

“I know you could.” I glanced up at the clock, debating if I could manage a quick fuck but as I looked at the clock, I saw that it was only a couple minutes to eight am and I wasn’t cutting Christopher and I’s pleasure for no one. Afterwards we could explore and fuck until our hearts content—well, until we had to get ready for work—you can sure enjoy a lot of orgasms in a few hours. “Unfortunately, our guests won’t wait.”

“Guests?” Christopher quizzed as I loaded up the laptop and the familiar Skype application. I watched the recognition hit his face as I loaded the screen and waited for the call to connect.

“I hope you don’t mind. I thought you might want a little bit of home,” I whispered as the uncertainty of what I’d planned came to light. It only took a quick text to Lauren after reaching out to Nina for her number and she jumped at the chance. I think she’s secretly missing him as well.