I chuckled as we walked down the hallway. “You and Isobel have far too much confidence in me.”

“Nah.” We stopped at the elevator and he reached forward and pressed the button for the elevator. “I’ve learned to never doubt Isobel. And don’t forget…” He paused just long enough to give me a smirk as we entered the elevator. “I know how good you are with numbers. Del won’t be able to resist your mad skills.”

I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him. “Mad skills,” I mocked, repeating his words back to him. “At this point, I just hope I don’t vomit over Mr. Granbler.”

He tossed his head back, laughing at me. “I think Isobel would kill you if you did that.” The elevator slowly came to a stop and we both exited the building. “You’ll be fine.” Another squeeze to my shoulder. “Have some faith in yourself.”

Faith. Of all the words Luke could have chosen, he had to choosethatword. Faith was the only thing that I did have.

Grief. Hope. Tragedy. They had all robbed me of something. Each of them taking a piece of the man that I used to be away; the man I was before I enlisted. Faith was now the only thing that I had left.

Faith in my family. Faith in myself and now, since meeting Isobel, I was slowly beginning to realize that I was starting to have faith in her and that scared the hell out of me.

* * *

Icouldn’t stop fidgeting as I sat in the seat opposite Mr. Granbler. I had to keep it formal in my head. The second I called my interviewer by their first name I knew it would be game over. He may have been Del to Luke and Isobel but I had to keep it formal in my head. I’d go fucking crazy if I had to spend the next month or however long waiting for Luke to get the bar up and running. At least having numbers to focus on would keep my mind busy.

The only other thing that occupied my thoughts was dangerous for me. Isobel. She was dangerous to my psyche because I knew she was too far out of my reach.

Plus, if I broke her in any way, I’m sure Freddie would want to throw me out of his and Luke’s home. Hell, most likely throw me out of New York City and America to boot.

“Well, I think that’s all I need to know,” Mr. Granbler said as he stood. He walked around his desk and extended his hand to me. “Welcome to the team, Mr. Matthews.” He smiled down at me and I quickly stood and shook his hand.

“Thank you so much, sir.” I couldn’t contain the grin on my face if I tried.

“No thanks needed. I can see you will fit in well here.” He led the way to the door. “I look forward to seeing your career progress.”

“Thank you,” I enthused again before I walked away.

As I traveled down to the lobby in the elevator, I gave myself a silent fist pump. I couldn’t wait to tell Thomas and Lauren that I had gotten a job. They had been worrying about me ever since I arrived here and I knew this would make them more relaxed.

I exited the elevator and smiled when I saw Isobel and Luke standing in the lobby. They were mid-conversation but stopped when they saw me.

Luke spun to face me. “Well?” He held his hands up in a‘tell me more’gesture and I noticed that Isobel was watching on anxiously. “Did you get it?” he asked eagerly.

I watched them for a moment before I grinned. “I got the job!”

Isobel’s face immediately lit up but it was Luke that took off like a rocket. He ran towards me with his arms outstretched and pulled me into a hug, squeezing me tightly.

I clapped Luke on the back and I quickly returned the hug. I stared at Isobel and smiled at her. “Thank you,” I said, silently mouthing the words to her.

She clasped her palms in front of her, looking so pleased. “You’re welcome,” she mouthed back.

She was so damn fucking beautiful and I knew that working in the same building as her and keeping my hands off her was going to be damn near fucking impossible.



When Luke grabbed hold of me as I headed in the direction of the elevator, my mind was elsewhere until I heard his name. Christopher. My eyes snapped directly to Luke’s and I was enamored, desperate to know whatever he had to say; even if it was about him.

I’d spent the time since clocking into work in a daze, thinking of ways that I could head up toward the interview area and catch a glimpse of him and check if he was okay. I was beginning to panic, continuously flicking my eyes across the lobby and glancing at the clock, wondering what was taking so long. I get that Del would need to be thorough, it was a job after all. He needed the right person for the position but I was beginning to panic if everything was alright. I didn’t want to ruin this chance he was being given by storming upstairs and going into spitfire mode. It wouldn’t help anyone except me.

“Isobel…” Luke waved his hand in front of my face.

“Sorry. You were saying?” I asked. I blinked my eyes quickly, trying to zone in on my surroundings.

“I wanted to say thank you for helping Christopher. It means a lot to me. I was worried about what he would do all day.” He blew out a long breath. “But this makes perfect sense. I just hope it’s all going well upstairs.”