Page 23 of Make Me Want You


Six months later…

Life was fantastic. Sutton and I had gone from being corporate enemies to never being apart. It had got to the stage where Asher had started dropping around to Sutton’s for a drink in the evenings and was shocked if I wasn’t there.

Her dad, Harrison Wilkinson, hadn’t been so welcoming at first. He thought I’d be a distraction even though he valued my business ethics. I understood his concerns but as he got used to the pair of us together, and when Sutton showed that she knew exactly how to handle the two halves of her life, he settled down. He realised I wasn’t someone that was going to just disappear at the first hurdle. I was here for keeps.

Sutton made me want her through the good and the tough times. Like that time when Melanie turned up unannounced, and threw a spanner in the works and decided to move in. I thought that would have pushed our dynamic to the limits, but Sutton wasn’t phased in the slightest. All she said was that Melanie was family, then gathered my belongings and dumped them at her place until my sister sorted herself out.

That was six weeks ago. Only one problem stood in the way. I didn’t want to leave.

I’d spoken and bared all to Asher. I’d even talked to her old man. They both said the same thing; talk to her, trust her.

I was scared. Scared that she may run for the hills because one thing was for certain, I couldn’t live without Sutton Wilkinson.

“Sweetheart,” I uttered as I wrapped my arms around her towel clad body and kissed down her neck as she started to apply her makeup. “I love how you look in the morning.”

“Oh behave, Tate.” She turned and swatted at my chest as I grabbed her wrists and pulled her close as she dropped the lipstick to the floor. “You owe me a new lipstick now.”

“I’ll buy you as many as you want,” I admitted as I moved her hair around her shoulder with my finger and allowed it to trail around her skin. I felt the goosebumps underneath. “I’ll get you anything you want because I want to discuss something with you.”

“You do?” Sutton asked in confusion as she looked up at me.

“I have. Melanie. How would you feel if I offered her my apartment permanently?” I whispered. I allowed my gaze to linger for a second longer than needed. “Truthfully,” I grimaced, “it’s been on my mind so much that I even spoke to Asher and your dad about it.”

“Tate.” She chuckled as she lifted my chin and ran her fingers along the curve of my ear. “I wondered how long it would be before you’d bring it up. Asher already told me. I just knew there’d be a reason you didn’t want to discuss it yet.”

“Oh Sutton, I’m such a fool.” I placed a kiss softly on her lips before I pulled her bottom lip and nipped it gently. “I don’t want to leave. I don’t ever want to be apart from you. I want us to move in together. Whether that be here or elsewhere, I can’t imagine not being in your bed every night and waking together every morning.”

“I won’t disagree with you there.” She giggled. “Was that so hard?” she asked, as she placed her forehead against mine and her hands on my chest.

“No,” I said, “it really wasn’t, because truthfully Sutton Wilkinson, I love you.”

“I love you too, Tate Hillside. And you make me want you always and forever,” she admitted as I grabbed the edge of her towel and inched my fingers into the top.

“Does that mean we’re celebrating moving in together?” I asked as I started to pull the fabric away and held it tight within my grasp, ready to open wide.

“Oh Mr. Hillside, don’t you remember you moved in six weeks ago?” she replied as she turned around and grabbed her make up bag and emptied the contents into the sink and reached for something between her hands. “But we’re celebrating something.”

“We are?” I asked as she dropped the plastic indicator into my hands, and I gazed up into her tearful eyes.

“Hello, Daddy.”

“You mean?” I uttered as I dropped the test back into the sink and ripped the towel from around Sutton’s waist. I dropped to my knees as I placed my hand on her tummy. “You’re pregnant?”

“I am and I’ve never been happier than I am at this very moment.” She squealed as I started to kiss her stomach and run my hands around her waist. “I have everything and more in my life, all thanks to you.”

“Don’t you mean thanks to you?” Tate smirked.

“Thanks to us both.”

The End