Page 21 of Make Me Want You

“Fuck. Me. Tate.”

“Absolutely,” I growled, as I slammed my hips against her and ground them in a circle. One hand held her in place whilst the other reached down and rubbed at her bud. “I want you to scream my name, Sutton Wilkinson. I want you to scream it so loud that asshole hears you and realises that he’s fucking lost you forever, and you know what…”

“What?” she screamed as I slammed my cock into her again at full hilt and halted for a moment until she thought she’d caught her breath. I teased her with my thumb as I pulled her bottom lip down and diverted her attention for a mere moment, until I pounded forward again with my hand pushing her leg into the mattress.

“If that makes me a sadistic boyfriend whose heart has been taken by one woman, then so be it,” I admitted, as I pistoned my hips and pinched her bud again. “I want to drive you wild. Make you know that forevermore, you are mine.”

“I’m yours,” she breathed as the red tinge flushed across her body and her hands gripped me tighter.

“Tate… I’m… oh fuck…”

“That’s it, Sutton. Come for me,” I commanded as I pushed her leg an inch harder, the screams and moans filling the room. As Sutton squeezed my cock hard her orgasm took hold.


I let go of Sutton’s leg and as it flopped back to her side, I curled it around my waist and dug my hands up and under her ass. My cock pushed in and out faster as I chased my own release.

“Sutton!” I screamed into the room before I collapsed, then rolled onto the bed next to her and pulled her into my side. “That was… that was perfect.”

“It was,” she agreed, “but Tate, maybe go and deal with the condom first.” She slapped me on the arm as I jumped out of the bed.

“It might help.” I uttered.

“Absolutely.” She rolled onto her side as she watched me walk out of the bedroom.



I’d had every intention of heading into work after I told Tate how I felt. I just didn’t quite expect this morning to go how it did. I didn’t expect to bump into Grey, and I certainly didn’t expect Tate to hear it all. Asher just chuckled when I called and demanded he either took all my meetings for the day or rescheduled them. I didn’t care what he said. I just needed this time with Tate – alone. Twenty-four hours of bliss before we had to go back to the grind. Enough time to decide on how things could work between us both.

There were two more used condoms, and a snooze laid across Tate’s hard chest by the time we actually got out of bed and sat down to talk. I had wrapped my body up in one of Tate’s shirts, and the afternoon had hit. I wasn’t complaining though, because the delicious soreness in between my thighs from his tongue, cock and fingers had made every wasted second we’d not spoken worth it.

“Well, this is different; a first for me,” Tate announced as I began to make a cup of tea. His shirt clung to my upper thigh as I felt his arms circle my waist. The fabric rode up my naked bottom half as I reached to pull it down. “Don’t cover up for me, I’d happily lift you up and bury my tongue in that pussy of yours.” He raised his brow as he pulled me against his front.

I pushed him away and giggled. “As tempting as that offer is, we really do need to talk. Let’s start with that first business, shall we?”

I finished making the cup of tea for us both and walked over to put the cups on the coffee table. Tate just leaned his hip against the worktop in the kitchen and watched me. I looked up and gave him a smile before I patted the seat next to me.

“I’m not getting out of this, am I?” he uttered as he sat down next to me. “But if we’re talking about this then I’m getting comfy.” He lifted me up and laid my thighs astride him. “That’s better.”

“I’m glad you’re comfortable. Now talk.”

“You’re the first woman that’s ever been in my apartment, except for Melanie.” He kissed down my neck and pulled me close as my body went rigid. “Sutton?”

“Who the fuck is Melanie?” I stuttered. My heart pounded in my chest as he rested his head back to look at the ceiling. “I won’t ask again.” I began to try to pull myself away as he dropped his head to mine, and I stopped. My instincts took hold and I scooted back into his grip, grabbed his hands as they held my ass and circled my thumbs on his skin. “Tate, she’s someone important. Sorry, I didn’t mean to overreact.”

“I… I don’t know what to say.” He looked shocked. “I thought you were about to run away. It just felt like we’d taken three steps forward but five backwards.”

“I was going to run, but then I remembered…” I dropped my head against Tate’s forehead and breathed in deeply. “It’s you. You wouldn’t lie to me anymore. You’d be honest. That’s why you said those words.”

“Yes, exactly,” he whispered. “She’s my step-sister.”

“I can’t wait to meet her,” I admitted as I placed a kiss next to his mouth.

“I can’t wait to show you off as mine to everyone, Sutton.” He chuckled. “But first sweetheart, I’ve got until the morning to have you to myself and I’m not going to waste it.”

“I have to eat, Tate,” I replied with a small whine as I ran my forefinger down his nose, but he lifted me in the air and moved my now loose hair across my shoulder.