Page 14 of Make Me Want You

“Sorry Grey, but we’ve got to go,” I announced, as I tried to keep my breaths steady while her hand was seductively teasing me. “It was lovely to meet you both.”

I reached down and interlocked my fingers into hers as I turned her to walk away with me to the booth filled with her friends. I felt the shudder travel through her when she tried to pull away as we approached. Her friends were completely engrossed in the picture that was playing out in front of them. I didn’t care.

“He’s still got eyes on us,” I whispered in her ear as I pulled her into a nearby empty booth. “Just trust me and follow my lead.”

Before Sutton had time to question what I was doing, I yanked her onto my lap and held her ass tightly against me with one hand.

“Tate,” she uttered breathlessly.

I trailed my hand through her curls as my fingers caught her cheek with a slight graze. I didn’t miss the hitch of her breath, as I wrapped my palm around her neck and slowly pulled Sutton towards me. Her eyes were glued to my mouth as her tongue darted out to wet her bottom lip. I couldn’t wait to taste her. Her eyes closed as I sucked her bottom lip, reveling in the moan she let escape.

God, she tasted divine. I pulled back just enough that I could see her face. I wanted her to look at me; no, I needed her to look at me. I needed her to acknowledge that it was me she was kissing. As soon as her eyes met mine, I leaned back in for more. I ran my tongue across the seam of her lips, coaxing her to open for me. Her lips parted and her tongue darted out to meet mine. I pulled her tighter against me. I wanted to feel all of her against me. I knew she could feel my erection growing as I deepened our kiss, exploring every inch of her mouth, while damning all of the clothes between us and the people around us.

After what seemed like forever, she pulled back and rested her forehead against mine. Both of us were breathing heavily, before finding words. “I can’t believe you kissed me. Why did you do that? Why did you tell Grey you were my boyfriend?”

“Because that’s what I want,” I admitted, as she pulled back to gaze into my eyes.

“I have to go,” she said, climbing off my lap. After smoothing her dress down, she shocked me by grabbing my hand. “Walk me out?” she asked.

I couldn’t help my smile. “Of course,” I replied, and we made our way to the cloakroom, grabbed her coat and mine before I led her outside and hailed a taxi for her. “Goodnight, Sutton,” I said, as I turned to leave.

“Tate,” she shouted as she opened the door, ready to get inside.

I walked back to her with my eyebrow raised in question. She grabbed me by the scruff of the collar and planted a kiss on my lips, knocking the wind right out of me. “Goodnight, Tate.”

Then she jumped in the taxi and waved goodbye without another word.



Did I really just kiss Tate Hillside, after all that talk about how detrimental it could be to our businesses – my business? Fuck that, did I let him gyrate my ass against his erection and actually enjoy it? Scrap that, I fucking loved it and I let him kiss me like no one else existed in the room, to get one over on my douche of an ex-boyfriend.

The taxi pulled up outside Asher’s apartment and I went inside. He’d made me concede that hotel rates weren’t viable long term, and at least to stay with him until I found something more permanent. I knew I’d need my own place sooner or later, but for now it was a place to crash until I found my feet. The moment I opened the door I noticed the light on by the sofa and my elder brother sat up, his eyes sparkled with mischief as he glanced at the clock on the wall.

“Asher.” I paused, my throat dry as I instinctively touched my hair and ran my hand through the curls as he smirked. “I’m just going to head to bed.”

“I don’t think so, little sister.” He winked, before he patted the space next to him on the sofa. “Are we going to discuss what’s going on with you and Tate yet?”

I wanted the world to swallow me up whole. I was gob smacked by Asher’s directness. I felt the heat travel up my face and I didn’t have a clue where to look. Had I been that obvious?

“Sutton, I can see your mind working overtime. Don’t,” he said as he pulled me into his side. “I just wanted to say that I think you and Tate are great together. I don’t want you to regret taking a step forward with him because you’re worried about how I’d be. You’ve been alone far too long. Take that risk because if you don’t you may regret it.”

I felt choked up as he kissed me on the forehead and got up to leave.

“Asher, I’m scared. What if I mess it all up?” I gulped hard and fought back the tears. “Or I let him in and get hurt. I’m not stupid but I know how ruthless Tate can be.”

“And Sutton, I know you.” Asher bent down and lifted my chin to look at him. “You’ll not let business affect your personal life, or vice versa. Remember he isn’t Grey. He never will be.”

“Thanks, Asher.” I pulled my brother into a hug and ruffled his hair before he stood up and he scowled before it turned into a grin.

“I’ve never seen him like this before, mellow and content. Don’t get me wrong, he’s still ruthless and driven in regard to work, but I haven’t seen him even look at another woman since you came back. He’s changed, because of you. Think about that, Sutton.”

With his final words, Asher left me to my thoughts, and I was even more confused as I took myself to my bedroom. I cleaned my makeup off and took a quick shower before I got under the sheets.

I could see what Asher meant in regards to Tate’s behaviour. Could it be because I didn’t just roll over and climb into his bed? I didn’t give in to his charm. Am I the prize Tate is actually after? Or, the moment he gets his way with me, would he then leave and tear my heart to pieces? I don’t know, but I knew my trust issues didn’t help the questions in my head as I slipped into a restless slumber.

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