Page 11 of Make Me Want You

“Why not? I’ve time.” She dropped her gaze before hesitantly addressing Asher. “I’ll meet up with you later.”

Asher stood up and gave her a kiss on the cheek before issuing me a nod. He headed out of the room and closed the door behind him. Sutton’s hand immediately grasped a brown curl and pulled at it over and over. Her other hand rubbed her thigh covered in that dress.

“Sutton?” I questioned as her stare darted up to mine. “Are you nervous about being alone with me?”

I watched her hand drop instantly, and her mouth open but no words escaped, before she sat up straight. “Shall we just get on with it?”

“Sure, of course we can.” I paused and waited as I undid my suit jacket and took it off before I placed it on the chair behind me and continued. “But if I’m doing all this, what’s in it for me?”

“Profit, money, clients,” Sutton explained as she struggled to remain focused on my face. I couldn’t help but chuckle as a scowl grew across her face.

“Look around, I’ve got all that. I can get any client I want,” I announced with a smug grin.

“Who’s cocky now?”

“A compliment, I’ll happily take from your mouth,” I batted back, as she crossed her arms across her chest.

I knew she wasn’t blind. This cat and mouse between the pair of us had gone on long enough and I was ready to catch my prey. Fuck business and learning ethics. I wanted to get her in between my sheets. Surely, she was smart enough to read my body language. She’d seen everything else about me. My gaze darted to her chest and I licked my lips.

“Not a chance, Mr. Hillside,” she snapped back and stood abruptly from her chair. It tilted backwards and nearly fell over. “You have my number when you have something of use to me.”

“I certainly have something of use.” I smirked as she made her way to the door and grabbed the handle before she turned on her heel.

“Mr. Hillside, you couldn’t manage me.” She flicked her curls back over her shoulder and opened the door. Sutton left me wondering how the fuck I was about to tame the fire she’d just unleashed.

One thing was for certain; I wanted Miss Wilkinson, naked, hot, and desperate for my cock. I may actually be tempted to see how many buttons I can push before she’d drop to her knees and beg. Oh fuck. Please.



I’m glad that I’d had several days to come to terms with that meeting with the asshole, Tate Hillside. I knew Asher had sung his praises and he was an asset to have on our side, but at what cost, my knickers? Fucker. I’m glad that our dad knew all about the plans, after Asher had discussed his proposal in full with him. Both men seemed excited about the prospect and bragged Tate up. It seemed the issues I had lay only at my feet, and that maybe I was paranoid that I may get hurt; well, the company might.

It highlighted my insecurity issues with bright flashing warning lights. I didn’t trust easily, and the risks were normally too high for me to take a chance.

But things had started to improve; my relationship with my family for one. I’d actually started to think that London could be my home, especially if Asher remained by my side and supported me.

It all changed when I was left alone in Tate Hillside’s office that day.

I knew body language and could read it well. I wasn’t immune to the man’s well-cut suits and handsome features; that square cut jaw line with just the right amount of stubble that kept him smart and professional. It didn’t mean I’d fall for his damn right lack of subtlety. Did he think I was a woman that would just agree to sex? The way he allowed his gaze to linger on my chest, a moment too long, before his wolfish grin was shown. He may have had an effect on my panties, but it didn’t mean I’d be in his bed. Hell no, the man drove me mad.

I locked my thoughts away and blew out a breath, I knew I had to actually do some work today. I opened up my emails and there, right at the top, was one from the man himself. I couldn’t help the somersault that flipped in my stomach even though I wished it hadn’t.

Ethics meeting. My building. Ten am

Sharp and to the point; I’d hoped for a little more fun from him, but I continued with the rest of my duties before I grabbed a fresh notebook and a couple pens. I wasn’t going to be unprepared and caught out once we started. I glanced at the clock and hurried to pack my bag; I wasn’t one for tardiness, ever.

I headed straight up in the lift to Tate Hillside’s office and as the doors opened, I stepped out into the lobby. I noticed a stray hair on the hem of my dress. I bent to fix the issue as a cough startled me from behind.

“Well Miss Wilkinson, I now know two things; you can’t tell the time and you have a damn nice ass,” Tate said as he directed me into his room and shut me in so my back was against the wall. “Can I point out how very sexy you look today?”

“I still see you’re as charming as ever, Mr. Hillside,” I replied as I put my hand against his hard chest and lingered a second before I pushed back.

“I can see the way you want me, Sutton. Why not give in?” he questioned as he ran his eyes over the sexy cream blouse and black skirt combination I’d decided on today. “Your cheeks are flushed a gorgeous pink, and your eyes are full of lust too.”

“Hate, my eyes are hateful towards you,” I interrupted, before I walked over to the chair, sat down, and crossed my legs at the knee. “If that’s what you’re seeing, Mr. Hillside, then I’m a bit worried about your client analysis.”

“And that’s what you’re here for, my advice,” Tate said as I rolled my eyes and grabbed my notebook out of my bag.