“What does being a Siren mean for you now?”
“I don’t know. I thought I’d left that life behind, but it was pointed out to me that I’d been a Siren this whole time in my own way. So, I guess that means I am. I’m still trying to figure it out, if I’m honest.”
“Are you back for good?”
“Yes. If you’ll have me?”
Seb didn’t answer me, kissing my lips instead. The feeling of arousal I hadn’t felt in ages started to rise up, dusting off its head as his kiss lingered. Lark’s hands trailed up my legs, and I moaned into him. “Are you okay with this?” Lark asked, moving closer to leave kisses on me.
Nodding, I pulled her close, needing to feel them both. In practiced succession, we managed to strip one another of our clothes as we kissed and touched. I tried to push the thought out of my head of them not liking how I was.
“I’m sorry,” I said, not meaning to.
“For what, babe?” Seb asked, his deep voice sending vibrations through me.
“For how I look. I don’t like it.”
“Lark, I think we have to remind Cami just how much we missed her and how much we find her attractive.”
“I agree, Seb. Top or bottom?”
“Bottom.” They smiled at one another, and I laughed, their banter something I’d missed. Seb stood, and I squeaked as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He moved us to the bedroom, laying me out on the bed. Within seconds, they descended on me, desperate to remind me of their love. Seb spread my legs, his stubble rubbing against my thighs, and I moaned at the feel of it. His warm tongue touched my center, and I squirmed, the sensation overwhelming after a month of nothing.
Lark hovered over my head, pushing the hair behind my ears as she stared. Her blue eyes bored into me, and I saw her relief, her joy, and the love she had for me. Cupping her face, I brought her lips down to mine, kissing her with a promise I’d never forget. As the kiss deepened, her soft lips pressing into mine, her hands began to roam, touching my body all over. Seb devoured me below, and I reached down to grip his hair, loving the tight curls I found there. Lark moved down my body, her mouth keeping me occupied as her hands massaged and tweaked my nipples.
When she moaned into me, I knew Seb had rewarded her as well. Peeking down, I found him grinning at me as he plunged his fingers into her from behind and then licked me top to bottom.
“Fuck,” I moaned, letting go of the kiss.
“Getting there,” Seb cheesed, plunging a finger into me next. Lark and I panted together as he brought us both to the edge before he slowed his pace. Pulling her leg up, I gave him some better leverage, loving the feel of Lark’s soft curves against me. Massaging her breast, we both laid there while Seb showed us both how much he wanted us. With a few more thrusts, he had us both reaching out to grip the bedding as we climaxed.
Before I could even come down from the feeling, he plunged into me, pulling my hips up to meet him. Lark laid next to me, breathing heavily as she regained control of herself. I didn’t have time to think as his thick cock stretched me, hitting me in all the best places.
“Shit, Cams. You feel so fucking good. That’s it. I’m locking this down.”
“You did not just propose to me with your dick inside me!”
“What if I did? What would you say?”
I turned my head toward Lark in shock, and found her with a sweet smile on her face. Giggling, she rolled to look at me. Seb took the opportunity to turn me, laying behind me, impaling me again. This time, his thrusts were slower, but he leaned over my shoulder, wrapping his arms around me from behind.
“Say yes, Cami.” His hazel eyes scorched me, and I couldn’t think anymore. His question was insane, but I couldn’t find the words to say no.
“I, uh, I,” I stuttered, looking back to Lark. “But?”
“It’s from both of us. Let’s all get married.”
“But how? Isn’t that against what this is all about?”
“Fine. Then let’s make a commitment if that makes your untraditional sense of pride feel better. If we’ve learned anything in the month you’ve been gone, it’s how much better we are as a triad. We work, the three of us. Let’s forget having side flings and make it official. I think that’s something we can take away from this as a win.”
“I love you both. I do. I just feel like this is sudden. I don’t want you to wake up in a few months and change your mind.”
“Lark, grab the thing. I’m a little balls deep at the moment.”
“Always with the penis, Seb. I can make her scream just as loud.”
“You weren’t complaining the other night when I made you scream!” he shouted as Lark padded over to the dresser. She turned, sticking her tongue out at him. Seb looked down at me, smoothing his hand over my face. He was making small thrusts, unable to stop moving, but apparently didn’t want to be out of me.