* * *
“Do you need anything?”Nat asked, her hovering bordering on obsessive as she stood in the doorway.
“Actually,” I said, looking in the mirror. “Would you do something to my hair?”
Her face lit up, a huge smile appearing. Nat’s eyes sparkled as she clapped her hands. “Yes, yes, yes! Finally!” She fist-pumped the air, doing a weird dance.
“Wow, okay, I didn’t realize how much you wanted to change my hair.”
“No, it’s just,” she laughed, catching her breath, “you have awesome hair, so to get to play with it is like driving a Porsche. Your hair is a luxury line.”
“Ah, well, that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said about my hair.” My face reddened a little, but it felt nice to have someone covet something of mine in a weird way. “Though, you might hate me when I tell you what I want.”
Her face dropped, and she planted her hands on her hips. “Nope, sorry, I’m not doing a Britney. I refuse. That’s a crime.” She pointed her finger at me accusingly when she finished.
Chuckling, I shook my head. “No. Though I kind of get where she was coming from now. I was actually thinking of making it lighter? Maybe more strawberry blonde than the deep russet it is?” I bit my lip as I waited, worried she’d tell me it was dumb, or worse, ask me why.
Nat studied me for a few seconds, tilting her head from side to side. “Yeah, okay. It could work. Though, you’re gonna need to get some sun. This ghost complexion you have going on isn’t going to work.”
Sticking out my tongue, I sighed happily. “Thanks, I just… need a change, something different.”
“I get it, and the best way to feel like a new person is with a new look. When do you want to do it?”
“Now?” I asked, trying not to sound too desperate. Each time I washed my hair, it reminded me of Darren and how much he liked it. All the times he wrapped it around his finger, stroking my hair like a prized possession, it was too many reminders of how he’d tried to clip my wings.
“Hmm? Well, I was going to organize the fork drawer, but I guess I could do this instead,” she teased. “Come on, let’s go to my room.”
Walking with her, she sat me down on a stool as she started to get her tools out. Her things were mixed with Lily’s, and I wondered how long they’d been here. “So, how did you get involved with rescuing me?”
“Well, when I hadn’t heard from you, I got worried and went to boss man. He’d known what was going on, and I saw an opportunity. Since I’m disconnected enough from the family business, I could blend in. So, I got close to the Delgados on a ruse, pretending I was interested in Berserker.” She made a face, her body shuddering. “I slipped in easily, but no one would tell me anything. Finally, I overheard some kitchen staff muttering about how their skills were being wasted having to make basic food for the ginger mistress.”
Scoffing, I rolled my eyes, not at all surprised at that, but shocked Nat had been willing to go behind enemy lines for me. “I can’t believe you did that for me. That you were there.”
She stopped her fussing and looked at me in the mirror. “Cami, you’re my sister. Of course, I would come for you. We’re family. That’s for life.”
“Don’t make me cry, bish.”
She stuck out her tongue, but I didn’t miss the tear she wiped as she started to mix the dye.
“Love you too, Nat.” She looked up, a smile on her face.
“Love you too, Cam. Though, you know I’m going to use this for the rest of our lives to get you to do whatever I want, right? You’ve forfeited your rights to ever win any argument.”
“Hmm,” I mused, tapping my lip. “I don’t know. I think I’d rather be a captive again.”
She gasped, smacking me with a gown before wrapping it around me. “Be nice, or I’ll give you bubblegum pink hair.”
Laughing, I zipped my lips, glad our banter was back. She got to work, having me move when she needed. We’d both been quiet as she worked, lost in our own thoughts. So, when she broke it with a question, I was startled on multiple fronts.
“So, you going to tell me about the sexy guard who didn’t kill us? I’ve been dying to ask you, waiting until you brought it up, but since you seem to be all ‘mums the word’ about it, here I am, bringing it up.”
“Who?” I asked, dropping my eyes.
“Nice try.” I glanced up, finding her with an eyebrow lifted, staring at me in the mirror.
“Oh, he’s just a guard.” I shrugged.
Scoffing, she went back to her work as she muttered under her breath. “Just a guard, my ass.”