“Yes!” she cheered, making the room lighter. Taking the stool, she placed it next to me, making her taller. She looked up at me with her big eyes, and I saw the best parts of my brother staring back. Bumping her hip, I handed her the sifter, and together, we finished the filling.

Once the dish was in the oven, I sucked up my courage. But first, I needed to give my thanks. Walking over, I hugged Mama Hart, pulling her close. “Thank you.” Kissing her cheek, I smoothed her hair back, squeezing her one more time. She patted my arm, and it felt like I had my mother with me for a split second.

Steeling my nerves, I took one of the burner phones and slid into the room I’d been sleeping in. Taking a deep breath, I sat on the bed and dialed the only number I knew by heart.

“Hello?” the instant I heard her voice, the tears returned.

“Lark.” I couldn’t say anymore before the tears took over, and my sob broke free.

“Cami? Is it… is it you? I’ve been so worried, babe. Talk to me. Where are you? I’ll come for you. Just tell me.”

“Oh, Lark. I’ve been such a fool. I’m so sorry. So, sorry.”

Somehow between my tears, I told Lark a version of the truth. I didn’t want her to know everything just yet, some of it needed to be said in person, but I knew it was time to come clean.

“There’s so much more I need to tell you and Seb, but I want to do it in person. I need to ask someone, but would you come here if I can’t leave? I’d like to see you both.”

“Cami, we’ll be wherever you need us to be,” Seb answered, and I realized she’d put it on speaker.

“Hey, Seb.” I smiled, his voice a balm to my heart.

“Hey, hot stuff.”

Chuckling, I snorted. “Not sure how hot I am at the moment. It’s… not going to be pretty. I don’t look the same.”

“Babe, you’ve always been smoking hot, but it wasn’t your body I was in love with. It’s you. So, you could be disfigured, and I’d still think you were gorgeous, okay?” Lark reassured me.


“Of course, dork.”

“God, I’ve missed you two.”

“We’ve missed you as well,” Seb said.

“Tell me about your lives. Catch me up.”

Over the next twenty minutes, they both caught me up. Lark had a lot to share about the club and some of the weird customers we’d had recently, which I filed away. Seb shared some of the art pieces he’d sold and how he was in talks with a gallery about having an exhibit this summer.

“Oh wow, Seb! That’s amazing. I can’t wait to see your new stuff.”

“Anytime. Just let us know when we can see you.”

“I will. As soon as I can.”

“Then hang up, go ask, and text us back,” Lark ordered with a smile in her voice.

“Yes, ma’am.”

She gasped, making me laugh. “You did not just ma’am me, you twat!” This time, I gasped, laughing in mock outrage.

“I love you guys. Thank you for not hating me.”

“That’s not who we are, Cams. You just got a little lost, but we’re here. Come back home to us, okay?”


“Love you, Cami,” they both said, and my heart felt ten times lighter. Hanging up, I knew it had been the right thing. It was exactly what I’d needed. Mama Hart had been right, fear might have paralyzed me before, but I was stronger now.