“If you’re willing to do it in an imaginary scenario, then why can’t you in real life?”

“Gah, I’ve missed you and your crazy psycho mumbo-jumbo. Man, what does that say about me that my two best friends are therapists?”

“That you obviously have great taste. But I’m not a therapist yet. I doubt I’ll be able to graduate now with all the classes I’ve missed.” Sadness washed over me, but I tucked it away. I’d deal with that later when I was ready. Her phone beeped, startling us both, giggling at our reaction.

“Come on, let’s rinse this and see the beautiful Goddess you are emerge.”

Nodding, I let Nat do her thing, and when she finished later, curling my ends, I was amazed at how different I looked. “I love it. You’re a freaking miracle worker.”

“Thanks, Cam. Come on, let’s go have some dessert and watch Lily pass out from too much sugar.”

Standing, I pulled her into another hug, relishing the comfort of having people who cared about me as much as I cared about them in my life.

“Love you.”

“Back at you, babe.”

Giggling over danish, I knew the dark spots weren’t gone, but it felt a little lighter and a whole lot more hopeful.



A few days later,I found myself standing in a conference room with my family around me. I hadn’t had the chance to see Seb and Lark yet, but I was hoping to speak with Atticus about it while we were here.

Though, based on the roller coaster of emotions I’d just experienced, it didn't seem likely anytime soon. I’d gone from sheer joy with being reunited with my friend, that then crashed to the ground with the news that Jude was missing.

Everyone around me went into a frenzy as big mafia men started to curse and make demands. Loren sat numbly at the table, her whole world burning around her as she tried to pull herself together. I felt helpless, and I didn’t like feeling that way. Looking around, I tried to figure out something I could do.

“Psst, Pixel.” She rolled her head around, looking at me curiously.

“Yes, Enigma?”

“Any brainiac ideas?” She shrugged, going back to watching the room. Moving over, I grabbed her chair, forcing her to look at me, her legs falling to the ground. “Listen, I get that I might’ve made a few Sirens upset when I didn’t go through with the initiation. Nothing against being a Siren, it’s just not who I am. But these people, they’re my family, and one of them is missing. So, stop being a brat and tell me what you’re already thinking.”

She grabbed my face, squishing my cheeks. “All you had to do was ask, sweet cheeks. Get it? Because I’m squishing your cheeks.” She used a babyish voice at the end, pursing her lips. “I’d love to help. Be a doll and find me a computer, will ya?”

Exhaling, my shoulders dropped in relief. Glancing around the table, I didn’t see any in here, so I stood and made my way to the door. The edges of panic had subsided now that I had a mission in sight. Knowing that Dayton was still alive, pieces started to connect, and I was certain he’d been the mystery man Darren had been meeting with. He’d been there the whole time, hiding in the shadows.

“Cami?” a voice asked behind me, and I found Topher had stepped outside the doors with me.

“I’m looking for a computer. Do you know where one is?”

“Sure.” He walked over to a cabinet and opened it, pulling out a laptop. Taking it, I smiled and walked back to the room. Everyone was still focused on trying to figure out why Elijah had taken Jude, so no one noticed me when I sat down with the device next to Pixel. She grinned wide, cracking her knuckles as she did.

“Come to mama.”

Letting her do her thing, I turned back to the others, trying to figure out what to do now. Moving over to Loren, I held her hand, figuring she could use some reassurance that she wasn’t alone. It took a while, but she eventually squeezed back, and I smiled, feeling triumphant.

“Got it!” Pixel sang, pumping her arms in the air. “Who’s the best, you ask? Well, of course, that’s Pixel!”

“What do you have?” Atticus demanded, not caring for her celebration.

“Just the time they left and their movements on traffic cams.” She brushed her knuckles on her shirt before blowing on them.

“Tell me.”

“You know, cousin, if you ask nicer, it would probably get you more of what you wanted.” Atticus started to interrupt her, his irritation growing, but she held up a finger, cutting him off. “But since this involves a teenager, I’ll let it slide. In the future, work on your bedside manner. Not all Sirens are as nice as me.”