Squeezing Zane’s hand, I looked into his eyes. “I think I know what it’s supposed to say next.”

“What’s happening, Peach? Is there another message?”

“Yeah, there is. One second.”

Swallowing, I took a picture of my car, my hands shaking so bad, it took a few attempts before it was visible, and I could send it to him.

Keyed into the side of my car were the words ‘You’re Mine.’

Meeting Zane’s eyes, I tried not to let the fear overtake me. “I really regret not taking that shower first.”

Pen Pal Letter


Blazey Blaze, my sweet haze,

You always surprise me. Some days you’re so sweet, you make me blush, and other days, you challenge me to step out of my comfort zone. Then there are times I feel a connection with you to my soul, a deep soul agonizing one. You comfort me and get me as I am. No matter the day though, you’re always there, ready to listen and respond. That’s become such a valuable thing to me.

You definitely didn’t scare me, and I agree, our letters and words aren’t typical of our generation. We far surpass them in emotional intelligence in my opinion. I never thought years ago when I signed up for a pen pal program that it would become so integral to who I am and my day. It’s always the first thing I look for. The time difference between our coasts has me getting yours when I'm asleep most of the time. It’s a nice way to start my day though.

Your words are ingrained in me as well, and I can often hear you in my head along with my best friend. It’s pretty great having two people who I feel this close to, even if I never meet one.

I’m glad you and your brother are starting to heal. I’d hate for you guys to lose your unique bond. I can’t wait to hear how you continue to repair your relationship.

Ugh, your dare. So I did it. It wasn’t pretty. He’s very much in a TMNT phase at the moment and so he decided to dress me like his favorite character-Donatello.

First, he picked out a pair of green pants that hadn’t seen the light of day in years, so I had to convince him a girl turtle would wear a skirt. It wasn’t the prettiest color of green, but at least it fit. Next, he picked out a purple shirt, which wouldn’t be too bad, but the one he chose also said “I got crabs at Joe’s Crab Shack.” With the sweater he made me wear over it, it cut off the Joe’s Crab Shack part, so I walked around all day with it only showing “I got crabs.”

The sweater and socks, again, not hideous on their own, but he decided to include April since again I was a girl, so if you’re thinking, “there’s no way he made you wear yellow socks and a sweater, surely you don’t own those.” Well, you would be wrong. I do in fact own a bright yellow cardigan, and yellow striped socks that go to my knee. So, yeah, thanks for a fun day of getting weird looks.

The best part though was Noah loved it. He wants to dress together and get matching outfits, so that was fun. Especially after the incident this week at the bank with mom. One of her old friends refused to talk to her, and then a busybody at the grocery store kept making comments in the checkout line about how she shouldn’t have been allowed to keep her kids, and “crazy people like her belong locked up.”

My father was irate, but there was nothing he could do about it. It shook mom up though and she’s been in her room for the past few days, sitting in the dark. She doesn’t want to leave the house either unless it’s necessary. I’ve had to drop off and pick up Noah from school all week. I’m hoping I can coax her out this weekend.

I dare you to eat lunch with someone at school that is seen as the weirdo or class outcast. I think most of the time, it’s just a misperception and you might find a new friend. I know I would like it if someone as kind as you sat with me at lunch. If I didn’t have my best friend, it would be so lonely at school.

If you don’t choose to do it, then there’s no consequence, only that you’re not the person I thought you were.

I’ll be waiting.


My heart thumped so loud,I felt it in my head, and the world tilted a little. I remembered the phone and brought it back to my ear, hearing Slade’s shout.

“Peach? James?LENNOX?”

“Yeah, sorry. I’m here.” My voice was small, a whisper as I stared at my car. It had once brought me so much happiness, and now, it just represented something else he’d stolen from me.

“Peach,fuck,” he breathed, his voice softening. “You worried me. Can you put my brother on the phone?”

Nodding, I gave it to Zane and then realized I hadn’t answered Slade, but Zane was already talking to him. I walked over to my car, the beautiful paint now chipped. Running my fingers over the keyed part, I could almost hear the car protesting against the violence committed against it. I didn’t know what to think or feel. This was so outside of anything I ever imagined happening to me. I felt someone come up behind me placing a hand on my shoulder, and I jumped, spinning as a sound of protest escaped me.

“Shit, sorry, Lennox. It’s just me.”

Nodding, I wrapped my arms around him, no longer wanting to look at the destruction. I knew it was just a car. But it had beenmine, the one Simon had found for me.

“They’re going to head back as soon as they can. Your father is helping him with the insurance claims and getting someone there to help clean up. We’re to go into the apartment and grab a few things and then leave. I’m not sure where we’re going yet, but we’ll figure it out together. You’re not in this alone, Lennox.”