Zane chimed into our game, and Slade couldn’t get a word in as we carried on.

“Dicked and dashed.”

“Ejaculate and evacuate.”

“Ride and hide.”

“Jizz n’ jet.”

“Nut n’ bolt!”

“Wham, bam, thank you, ma’am.” I managed to get out before Slade smacked his hands on the table causing the silverware to jump.

“Just because y’all think you’re so funny, no day off, Peach!” He sat back, looking all smug, crossing his arms. “And not that it matters, but I still thought you were a liar at that point.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I rolled my eyes. “Well, I’m glad we got that covered. Your request is denied. Try again! So, about this plan?”

Slade scowled, but at my last question they all turned, looking at each other. Almost all together, they looked at me, cringing a little.

“What did you do?”

Pen Pal Letter


Dear Sweet Blaze,

I was entirely prepared to tell you how much I hate you and that you suck. But instead, I’m here to thank you.

Why, you might ask?

Because I did it. I completed your dare and I sang in the talent show. I didn’t win, but I did come in 3rd, beating out stupid Shelley. I have to admit, that felt better than winning. Her face was so red when I walked up to collect my certificate for a free sundae. It was the best sundae I ever had. So thank you for pushing me to do it. I still was nervous as all get out, but I managed, showing myself I could do it.

Now I know I never want to do that again.

Laugh, but it was terrifying! So many people were looking at me. No thank you. I’d have to be really wanting something to ever sing in public again.

My mom had a small incident this week. Fortunately, it wasn’t out in public, but it was still scary for me. I worry about her and that one day I won’t be there to help her. I’m teaching Noah how to draw, it’s something fun we can do together. He seems to like it, so I’m going to keep doing it. Plus, it helps my mom out and lets her have some rest time. I know she’s stressed being with him all day, her friends and colleagues abandoning her. I hope one day to have the best of friends who I never have to question.

Your joke was terrible by the way. But I did laugh, so I guess it worked. Here is my go to joke.

How do you make a tissue dance?

You put a little boogie in it.

Ha, ha. Lame, I know.

Your dare sir, is to do something fun with your brother like you used to. If you don’t, then you must wear a chicken costume all day while asking people if they know why the chicken crossed the road. Picture proof must be sent.

Let’s meet under the stars tonight, listening to track #3. Then it will feel like we’re listening and watching together.


My question hungin the air as I waited for a response. The guys looked sheepishly at me as I glared daggers as I waited to be filled in. “This isn’t the time to be keeping secrets, remember. Out. With. It.”

Simon caved first as I knew he would. He blew out a breath, ruffling his hair. “It’s not so much what wedid, but what wesaid.”
