Because there were three, well, there once had been four, and I thought another had taken himself out of the game, but it looked like Simon had been a sleeper.

Their whispered deceit was riddled with lies, their scribbled confessions mine to tangle.

For years, I waited until the right moment and planned. I would periodically get on and insert myself in their chain of letters, mimicking one another's speech patterns until I could flawlessly do both. I put myself in their lives, making friends with my competition, and giving me all the insider information I needed. I had full access to their lives now, and I could shift the playing field in whatever direction I wanted.

I tried different approaches, hoping to have my southern princess fall in love with me organically. We met once at a bar and it had been great, until it wasn’t. I tried by engaging with her through her blog, but she'd already been poisoned by them at that point, spouting that ludicrous belief she could love more than one person. Each time things went haywire, my anger would rise and I’d lash out. There had been a few times I’d even gotten a little desperate, and overplayed my hand, having to re-strategize each time once my anger cooled.

Fortunately, the other two numbnuts had dug their own grave, leading her right into my arms. I couldn't have planned that one better myself. I really owed them for it, setting it up perfectly. All the lies and betrayal I’d planted over the years, finally coming to fruition.

But now, they were back and wrecking the careful work I'd laid the past two months to make her mine. I could feel her caving, giving into the bond we shared, and knew it was only a matter of time now. If she fell back into their grasp though, then I'd have to get rid of them too.

I'd already gotten rid of one lover and moved the pieces into motion for the other three.

It was my time now. I wouldn't let them steal my Cherry.

Because Lennox was mine, and I had no intention of sharing.

Flipping on the computer, I logged into the camera feed I'd set up in her apartment. The computers around me hummed, the familiar sound a comforting background noise. I put on my headphones, turning up the volume to hear what they were saying, what lies I'd need to defuse once they left.

She hadn't immediately caved to them, and my heart skipped a beat, excitement building at winning her over.

I could make her love me. I could kidnap her and lock her up until she realized I was the one for her. I’d almost succeeded once at it. But call me old fashion, I wanted her to choose me. It felt sweeter to win that way.

I was so close; I could taste it.