I stopped in my tracks, shocked at how eerily close his words were to my dream. Had it happened in a past life? Did I suddenly have glimpses into the future via my dreams? Shaking it out of my head, I turned on my heels, my smile so sweet.

"I'll have you know,Evans, that I am a lady! Nothing dirty will be coming out of this mouth."

I realized too late what I said, the words having already flown out of my mouth. I wanted to catch them in the air and shove them back down, never to be heard. Quickly, I spun around, my face flaming, and speed walked as fast I could on my stubby legs. My dress tracked my movement with each step, swishing around me as I went by in a flurry.

I wasn’t certain, but I could’ve sworn I heard,"I have something dirty that can cum in your mouth," uttered in a low growl, but I would deny hearing it if anyone asked.

Flustered beyond belief, I’d forgotten about Dirty Dwayne as I hastily sat back on my stool, spinning around to the front. Tapping my pen, it wasn't until he cleared his throat again, I remembered he was there.

"Oh! I’m so sorry, sir. Bubba will be right with you."

"Now I see why my flirting didn't work on ya, sugar. You're a claimed woman already."

"I-no, it's not like that. He's just my boss, and he hates me," I rambled, for some reason feeling the need to divulge this information to a complete stranger.

"I might not know a lot,” he admitted kindly, making me like him a little bit more, “but Iknowwhen a man's claimed a woman." He lifted his eyes over my shoulder, and I turned to look at his gesture. Slade still stood leaning against the wall, watching us with a critical eye. Turning back, I shook my head again, denying what he claimed.

"It's not like that," I repeated.

"If you say so, sugar." He smiled, appeasing me. It seemed Dwayne wasn't so bad after all. Bubba walked up then, and I saw Dwayne straighten, taking in the bearded giant.

"I'm Bubba. What tattoo we doing today?"

Bubba pulled Dwayne away, looking at his phone as they discussed possible images. Once they were gone, the front fell back into the quiet haven it usually was for me when I didn’t have bodies to stab. Popping my earbud back in my ear, I started my current work playlist, the musical tones soothing me as they drifted through. I found the zone again and went back to drawing.

A while later, I felt eyes on me pulling my attention. Glancing over my shoulder, I was confused when nobody was there. In the reflective mirror, though, I caught sight of the back of a black t-shirt as it went around the corner.Slade.

Swallowing, I turned back to the front and dislodged the lingering feelings of lust sparking as I remembered his hard chest. Slade was a walking piece of dynamite. Anything between us would be explosive, but whether we lived to tell the tale or not was debatable.

I'd stick to dream Slade. He at least used his mouth for good.

* * *

Humming alongto a song in my head, I browsed a dating app on my phone. In a fit of desperation, I'd signed up a few days ago but then promptly logged out and ignored it. The thought of dating gave me hives, but the dream today after reading one too many smutty books had to be a subconscious cry for help. The problem was, I had a horrible track record with men. It was so bad, they could write a whole sitcom on Lennox’s dating woes.

Age 16:I had my first kiss and lost my virginity the same night to my best friend. The morning after, Simon told me that he was gay.

Yeah, ouch.

Age 17:I dated a nice guy from school for several months. We met through the school play. It was great for a month, but then he moved out of state over winter break, and I never heard from him again.

It had been the ultimate ghosting.

Age 18:I had a summer fling with a guy I met through my summer job. I thought it had potential. That was until I discovered he was engaged.

That had been an epic slushy in the face moment.

Age 19:I casually dated a guy I met in Nashville one weekend. We dated for a month, and when I was about to ask him if he wanted to become serious, he broke both of his legs and had to move back home to recover.

My dream of being his Florence Nightingale washed down the drain.

Age 20: I met the perfect guy at a Throwback Karaoke Party. We sang and danced the night away, ending it with a perfect kiss goodbye. Unfortunately, it really was goodbye because I managed to lose the napkin with his number on it the next day. One of the rules was no phones, wanting everything to be authentic.

Well, authenticity sucked. How did people do this in the 90’s? I hadn’t even known his real name, just Zach from Saved by the Bell.

Age 21:Well, this one was just embarrassing. On a blind date, it ended when I puked all over the table at a Cracker Barrel after a night of drinking. Did I mention it was my 21st birthday? Rookie mistake.

It was really hard to be cute when you had puke breath.