“Okay, Lennox, listen to me. I’m going to grab Duncan and send him to get you, okay?”

“But he has to work. It’s fine. I’ll just grab a car or something.”

“I don’t want you riding with a stranger for that long, especially if you’re upset. Just grab a drink wherever you are, and I’ll send him to you as quickly as possible. It might be a few hours, but he’ll come.”

“Okay, thanks, Dad. You’re the best.”

“No problem, pumpkin. Be safe. I love you.”

“Love you too.”

Walking to the bar, I grabbed a stool and ordered a drink. It was time to get wasted. Nothing like a broken heart to make you want to drink.

* * *

Several drinks later,things were feeling better, and all my tears had dried. I’d even gotten on stage and sung a karaoke song with a new friend I’d made. Who needed long-distance friends anyways? Because, apparently, I was a freaking riot, making friends all over the place. I even bumped into an angry bad boy earlier, and he’d smiled at me, saving me from falling on my face. I was winning at life.

My new friend I’d been dancing with pulled me closer, whispering in my ear. His hot breath fanned over my skin, and I didn’t like it. I tried to push back, but his arms were locked. Letting go, I leaned in to hear him over the music, hoping he’d let go once he got out what he wanted to say.

“You’re so pretty. Want to come back to my place?”

“No, that would be bad. I have a boyfriend. I’ve already told you that, Chad,” I slurred.

“Oh, come on. I know girls like you just say that. You don’t really have one.”

“But I do. I swear.”

“Nuh-uh. Come on, I’ll show you a good time.”

“Nope, can’t do it.”

“Don’t be a bitch. Besides, you’re all over me. I could do whatever I wanted, and no one would believe you otherwise.”

Fear curled up my throat, peeking through the alcohol haze I’d been in. I’d thought it’d been fun, flirting a little, just having a good time. Apparently, I’d been sending signals I didn’t want to send, and now, I was stuck withthisguy.

Just when I worried about what to do, the bad boy from earlier appeared, my tattooed angel saving me again.

“I think you should leave her alone.”

His menacing stare was enough to make the douche back up, scurrying off the floor and the relief I felt was palpable.

“Looks like you saved me again.” I grinned, the alcohol sloshing around in my body. A vague recollection of the Tattoo Angel giving me a drink, followed by one from Simon when he found me, and I threw them back one by one. I’d had so many by that point, it was hard to keep count. When Simon tried to talk to me, I ran off again, not ready to face anything else tonight.

Everything after that began to bleed together, the haze of the night a blur, and I began blinking in and out of consciousness, only aware in pockets of moments. The next time I came to, I was in the hallway, braced against the wall, a guy I didn’t recognize leaning over me, his hand around my throat. Though it was hard to tell who he was, his face swirling in front of me as he became two.

“No, leave me alone. I need to go back out there. I have a friend coming. My boyfriend, too.”

“Now, honey. You can drop the act. I know there isn’t a boyfriend.”

Panic crawled up my throat. This was bad. I was alone. I’d run away from Simon, and Duncan hadn’t appeared yet. I didn’t know what time it was, but it felt longer than it should’ve been for him to arrive.

I tried to push the guy off me, but my arms went weak, my legs heavy, and I found myself falling back against the wall, unable to move as he loomed over me.

“Now, be a good girl, and just take it, why don’t you?”

“No,” I slurred again, trying to stop him, but my body wouldn’t move.

“I think the girl told you no. I’d back away if I were you.”